March 30, 2011


1.  I've rediscovered Kate Bush.  I'd forgotten I had even ever known about her, for crying out loud, and her music exemplifies my favorite style of music; haunting, storytelling lyrics and wistful female lead vocals.  My point is, happy rediscovery!!!

2.  I've started running with pepper spray in hand.  HA!  Take that mountain lions, giant Runner-Devouring-German-Shepards,  and wanna be kidnappers.  Not that I've ever seen any of you (except for rogue dogs), but I know you've been hiding behind trees, just waiting to chew on my legs.  Hope you remember to stand still enough for me to squirt my spray in your eyeball.

 3.  There have been some "driving issues", of a demoralizing nature.  I started Monday off with a "BANG".  One minute I was just driving along, enjoying the morning sun which was almost blindingly bright light, and the next thing I know I'm flying full speed up over a curb that I didn't even see.  The road out there is pretty wide except for one spot that gets very narrow with a curb that juts out into the road as a defining feature of a crosswalk.  I've always hated that spot.  Shaken up, I got out to see the damage.  A guy stopped from his morning walk just to shout "TWO FLATS!!!"  Well, thank you for your caring observation, Mr. Walking Man.  So thankful for that useful information.  But really, I am okay. I can tell you are so worried as you scurry away with your good samaritan observation of the day checked off of your list. Glad I could help with that.

So, two flat tires.  Turns out my insurance covers towing.  The tow truck driver was very fun to talk to on the way to Les Schwab.  Hanging out with him, hearing his story of what it's like to be a tow truck driver, was the best part of the experience. 

Derrick was in a meeting seeing if he would be chosen for jury duty, so getting a hold of him was impossible until much later.  He was eventually dismissed just in time to decide that instead of two new snow tires, we'd go ahead and put regular tires on for Spring.  Then he took me out to breakfast/lunch, since this whole thing had started at 8:30 in the morning and I hadn't even had breakfast yet (noon and I was still wearing my pajamas, although they passed for regular clothes pretty well).  Between the new Spring tires and an eventual wheel replacement as well as two new winter tires, my little mistake turned costly.

4.  Add me to the list of people that the IRS likes to stress out.  That's all I'm gonna say about that one.

5.  Went to Thompson Falls last weekend and got to see my family and friends there.  Talked to Dad about eventually growing a lot of potatoes and organic food on his land.  This seems like a good idea because...

6.  ...we now are proud receivers of Netflicks, which includes a lot of instant movies and shows we can get off of our wii console, and this means a whole new world of DOCUMENTARY access has opened up to us.  I am GEEKING out.  Friday night (the night before the discussion with my dad about growing potatoes and organic food) I had the house to myself, so first I watched a documentary about "The Moment of Death", and then I watched one about the Solitary Confinement and the psychological consequences it induces, and continuing onward with my dark theme, we (Derrick was home for the last one) watched one called "Collapse" about the co-relation between oil and the world's economy, and how worldwide famine will soon be a reality (no problem believing that).  Needless to say, I started the weekend off with a macabre frame of mind. The weekend with my family, the Watchtower lesson at meeting on Sunday about the power Jehovah supplies through holy spirit (SUCH a good article!) and then the car issues on Monday helped bring me back to the present.  Still want to plant the potatoes and organic vegetables though, but more for the love of gardening and healthy food than for mass food storage.

7.  My kids would rather be inside, than out in the sun.  What's up with THAT?  I almost feel like re-messing up their rooms so I could tell them the choice is either clean their room or go outside.  Spring Break starts tomorrow.  I see I will need to come up with a threatening list of chores to point to any time they start giving me a hard time about going outside.


Unknown said...

Welcome back! Missed you!

~From Paradise~ said...

I wrote a lot last week, but it was the kind of stuff that kept giving me that "naked in public" kind of feeling:) I'm over it though!! Loved getting to see you last weekend <3