November 5, 2010

Guitar Playin Kid

It occurred to me that I've written more about what Kloe-girl has been up to lately that what Derrin has been up too. Weeelll.... I'm in the process of trying to find him another guitar teacher, without much success. You wouldn't think it would be so hard to find a teacher with decent openings for a new student, but the only times available seem to be either Friday nights or Saturday mornings. Yuk. He's been practicing away anyways though, doing some riffs that Doug showed him and working with some videos that we have. I changed the strings on my guitar so we could learn some new tabs together. I've been trying to do some of the stuff I used to know, but I have messed around and forgot a lot of it. I was fumbling through"Black bird" by the Beatles this morning, and asked Derrin if he'd like to learn it- his smart comment back was,"Sure Mom, maybe we can learn it TOGETHER". Smarty Pants. It'll be fun playing with him though.

He has a snake now- a Corral Sand Boa named Jasper. Very cute little guy, shouldn't get more than a couple feet long. Derrin feeds him frozen pinkie mice on Tuesdays:) It is fascinating to watch.

Derrick bought the kids MP3 players last night. The music teacher at school does all holiday music this time of year, so any kids that don't celebrate holidays get to sit out in the hallway by themselves. It frustrates me for the kids... Derrick got them the MP3 players and put what he feels is educational music on them so the will at least have something to listen to while they are banished to the hallways. He got Derrin a book to continue to learn how to read music and play the guitar... there are no rooms for Derrin to actually practice his guitar (thus the hallway banishment), but at least he can still be learning.

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