November 3, 2010

A Clean Room...

On a different note, Kloe's room is once again clean. That is something that bares reporting AND repeating: KLOE'S ROOM IS ONCE AGAIN CLEAN. I would like -->*like*<-- to report that she was the one that made it so, and I can say that it was a semi-valiant effort... well, at least it was a time-consuming effort. She spent a lot of time in there, rearranging piles and tucking things away into nooks and crannies, hopefully never to be heard from again. *sigh* *SIGH* And then... ->I<- caved and cleaned it for her. It took me two and a half HOURS to do it!!! (!) Three bags of garbage, all art supplies gathered and boxed together, dresser drawers rearranged into some semblance of order, new clothes bar installed that is just her height so she can now hang up her OWN clothes, toys grouped together in their own boxes... new baskets just for shoes.... and presto, CLEAN.

New plan of action: To avoid repeating our pattern yet again, I have put labels on EVERYTHING. Everything now has a home. It finally dawned on me that she makes no distinction between any of her treasures- they are all equal in her eyes, and they all deserve to roam about her room as they will. My sweet little moonbeam of a child... Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on who you are asking), there is a new sheriff in charge (at least until she learns how to corral her own stuff). This has to be better than the frustration that inevitably comes when her room is completely out of control again.

Status of room so far: CLEAN (for two whole days!!!)

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