November 25, 2010

Sloooow Day

Wow. I ate a massive amount of chocolate today. Haven't been on a bender like that for years. Also mac n' cheese... Balanced out with a green drink? Hmmm. Been a homebody today. Derrick took the kids sledding at the park earlier- I declined on going into the cold (or running as I had contemplated earlier), and instead spent the day on the couch going through all of my digital pictures and coming up with 525 pics to put in the digital frame that has been turned off pretty much ever since Derrick got it for me a couple years ago. Finished laundry (mostly), did a small amount of housework, and now I'm laying in bed covered in chocolate wrappers:) It was a nice aimless day full of wrong food choices and inactivity- haven't had one of those in awhile and it felt nice.

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