August 11, 2009

Things My Daughter Has Taught Me

My daughter, who is in kindergarden, has been bringing home little books lately. They are little books that she has authored especially for me. They cover various subjects such as our cat Anikan, our family, rainbows, flowers, fish, lizards and horses. She gives them to me as gifts, and they are precious.

After I get to look at them, she takes them from me and puts them on my bookshelf. They are books, after all, so they go on the shelf with all of my favorite books. She didn't ask me, she didn't wonder if her books belonged there. She KNEW. And guess what. She was RIGHT. They happen to be my new most favorite books.

My little beautiful 6 year old daughter is on to some lessons that I may have lost along the the way. Here are few that I have observed:

1. Creativity starts at step 1, not step 100. Go with it. If you want to be a writer, who cares if you don't know how to spell. Use the letters you know.

2. Give your art and poems away with love and gusto. Even when you know it's not perfect. It is perfect in it's imperfection.

3. Make sure you have lots of crayons and markers and paper. You can't create your art if you don't have the materials.

4. When you give your art or writings to the recipient, always let them know you were thinking of them during the creative process. It really does mean a lot.

5. Make sure you surround yourself with people who believe in you. Start with Mom.