Idea Bank

 These are all stolen ideas.  Thank you internet! PS- I haven't actually read through all of these yet, so if there is anything too weird, you caught it before I did!! haha

Creative Journal Prompts for Finding Your Dream:
  • I feel happiest when:
  • I wish I could (list at least 50 things – keep coming back to this over the next few weeks to add things):
  • The qualities/values that matter most to me are:
  • If I could live my life exactly how I wanted to, I would:
  • The things I like best about my life are:
  • The things I like least about my life are:
  • I think am being really true to myself when I:
  • If I was living more in tune with my own heart and soul, it would feel like:
  • If I knew what my dream was I would feel:
1. Home Tour.
2. Your Jewelry Box.
Photograph and write about my favorite pieces of jewelry for ages.
3. Personal Stories.
4. Books You’ve Read.
Why not share your list from this past year?
5. A Day in the Life.
These are some of my favorite posts because I get to see what a usual day looks like for some of my favorite bloggers. Be sure to take your DSLR or smartphone camera with you and snap away. Get creative and make it fun; we all love pretty photographs!
6. Pet Guest Post.
From the perspective of a pet.  Who doesn’t like hearing from cute and furry pets?
7. Skincare Routine.
Tell us about your favorite products. How do you get ready for work? Do you switch up your routine for lady’s night out or a date with your significant other/spouse? Include your favorite washes, toners, serums, and makeup.
8. Your City.
Why not be a tourist in your own city? Take photos and show us your favorite places to explore, restaurants you can’t live without, cafes you blog at, and museums.
9. Recipes.
You can never go wrong with recipes on your blog — just make sure you have plenty of nice photographs to post, too.
10. Reverse Bucket List. 
A couple of my favorite bloggers have shared their reverse bucket lists and it’s such a great idea. Instead of documenting things you want to do, revisit everything you’ve already accomplished.
11. Tutorials.
Whether you’re a photography expert, blogging guru, or interior design star, why not share that knowledge with the rest of us?
12. Mood Boards.
I consider mood boards candy for the eyes. I’m always drawn to blog posts with spectacular color palettes, textures, and items on bloggers’ wish lists. Do this for outfits, home decor, and blog designs!
13. Organizational Tips.
It’s the New Year and everyone wants to become more organized. Share your secrets with everyone!
14. Awkward & Awesome. 
Document awkward and awesome moments from the week. Plus it was always fun to hear about what she was up to.
15. Introduction Post. 
And last but not least, tell us about yourself!

  1.  My favorite present I’ve ever received…
  2. 10 things I believe
  3. Find one of your old blog posts. Rewrite it, using the perspective of someone else in your family
  4. Write a letter to someone you have a beef/issue with
  5. I was stuck….
  6. A room with a view
  7. Review your own blog..
  8. If I could rename my blog…
  9. What is your biggest regret?
  10. Who is your blogger crush and why?
  11. If you had one whimsical or fantastical wish, what would it be?
  12. Write about a time you felt beautiful.
  13. How do you balance blogging.
  14. What got you started in blogging?
  15. What do your family and friends think of your blogging?
  16. Do you feel there are blogger cliques? And if so, where do you fit in?
  17. If you were only allowed to give your children one piece of advice, what would that be?
  18. What are your biggest pet peeves?
  19. Write about your first kiss.
  20. What takes your breath away? (Besides spouse and kids, that’ s too easy.)
  21. If you could live your biggest dream, no roadblocks, no holds barred, what would that dream consist of?
  22.  I am most proud of…
  23. Are you holding on to something you need to let go of?
  24. I found out there was no Santa (or Tooth Fairy)…
  25. is there something you need to let go of?
  26. the skies were bluer than I had ever seen them….
  27. Do you love yourself, as is? Do you wish you were more comfortable in your own skin?
  28.  Eat, Pray, Love is the story of a woman who pursues the things she thinks will bring her happiness. If you could find it in yourself, that bit of bravery to leave the comforts of your everyday life behind and pursue your own happiness, where would you go and what would you pursue?
  29. In a fantasy world, forget about spouses and loves, if you could fall in love with a movie or tv character, name 5 you would choose. Not the actors but the movie characters.
  30. What was one of the most defining moments of your life, perhaps a moment that changed you forever, a moment that took you down a different course, anything.
  31. Where were you on Sept. 11th. Everyone has their story. What’s yours?
  32.  List your biggest fears and why.
  33.  What brings you happiness. All the big and little things.
  34.  Is there someone who was in your life that you miss?
  35.  If you could define yourself in a song, what would that song be?
  36. Dear Pizza Man…
  37. When I drink coffee…
  38. My first memory of love was….
  39. When I’m sad, I…
  40. The road turned, and…
  41. I felt abandoned…
  42. Christmas decorations make me…
  43. You’re able to stop time at any point in your post…where do you stop time?
  44. My first day of school..
  45. I was wrongly accused of…
  46. I knew it would be a bad day when.
  47. The smells of my childhood are…
  48. My worst blind date story…
  49. The dress I wore..
  50. The first time I felt jealousy…
  51. 10 songs I’ll listen to for the rest of my life
  52. A lightbulb went on..
  53. I had a moment of self-doubt when..
  54. It tasted like garbage.
  55. Write about flowers.
  56. My greatest victory was..
  57. I trusted my gut when…
  58. I felt like a sucker…
  59. My ultimate vacation is…
  60. My earliest memory of food is..
  61. I made a parenting mistake when..
  62. Talk about something you quit.
  63. Talk about cattiness in women.
  64. I wasn’t ready for it
  65. The trip was a disaster.
  66. A chill went up my spine…
  67. I questioned the existence of God when…
  68. The mistakes my parents made that I swore I’d avoid…
  69. The words cut me to the core…
  70. My most brilliant blogging moment…
  71. I thought I was going to die…
  72. The signs that I am getting older..
  73. I’ll never forget the song that was playing..
  74. Talk about a party you really enjoyed or really hated
  75. Was it coincidence?
  76. The phone call that changed everything..
  77. The bell rang and…
  78. My heart raced.
  79. Something just didn’t feel right…
  80. Write about a cause you’re passionate about.
  81. Describe what heaven will be like
  82. My biggest fear as a parent is..
  83. Write a letter to your senior citizen self. What would you say?
  84. My most memorable holiday was…
  85. Tell the story of meeting your significant other
  86. This one time at band camp: innocence lost.
  87. You do the cooking, I’ll take out the trash: if roles were reversed.
  88. Top ten countdown: drawing inspiration from song titles of your favor genre of music.
  89. The story of the missing sock: write a post from the perspective of the sock that was left behind.
  90. A letter to my unborn child: what you would say if you never met.
  91. Do you believe in God or a higher power? Write about a time you most felt her presence.
  92. What was she thinking: write a post from the view point of your child, about yourself.
  93. Your locus of control: what influences you or who do you influence. If you could change this, how, what, why.
  94. Describe your father and your relationship with him.
  95.  Write about the things in your bedside table’s drawer, yeah, those things.
  96.  If money & jobs weren’t a factor, what 1 place in the world would you live.
  97. Write about a time your kid embarrassed you in public.
  98.  If you could be on a reality show, which one would you choose?
  99.  What’s the gutsiest thing you’ve ever done?
  100. Write about a time you fought The Man.
  101. If someone were to push your buttons, what would they say/do?
  102. Scariest moment of your life.
  103. The closest you’ve ever come to fame was…
  104. If I have to say it one more time, I’m going to scream!! Write about what you find yourself endlessly repeating.
  105.  “I could run this place better than him/her!” Write about a job you had where you couldn’t stand your boss.
  106. The cartoons that shaped my childhood.
  107.  Favourite super hero.
  108.  Why I love following [Tweeter]
  109. A childhood fear you got over.
  110. An artistic talent you think about taking up or improving.
  111. Comparing what you wanted to be when you were growing up with what you do today.
  112. An angry letter to Television Stations: Why did you cancel my favourite show? This is why you should bring it back.
  113. A recommended novel from a friend that you didn’t like and wondered why they suggested it.
  114. A novel you thought you wouldn’t like but found yourself enjoying when you read it.
  115. I’m a little embarassed that I still do this.
  116. If you were soap on a rope whose shower would you be in and why?
  117. In high school I was…
  118. Ding dong, who is it? Why it’s MTV Cribs! Give us a tour of your pad.
  119. You’ve always dreamed of/totally dreaded the idea of being on a reality show because…
  120. Dear Mother in Law (substitute as needed),
  121. Blogging under the influence, do or don’t?
  122.  I have an irrational fear of…
  123. What is the one thing you do to change the world (your world?
  124. Truth or Dare? Truth. Who is your bloggy crush?
  125. Truth or Dare? Dare. Post a picture of yourself from Prom (or some other horrifying moment caught on camera)
  126. Write about your worst day as a mom. If you could go back what would you do differently?
  127. If you had to watch one movie or television show, or listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be….and why?
  128. Describe something that your spouse/partner does better than you.
  129. What is one thing that you do very well, that you don’t get credit for?
  130. If you could go back and fix/maintain one relationship that you have lost who would it be and why?
  131. What is the one thing that you want to be remembered for?
  132.  Tue or False. People who have more than four children cannot be adequate parents to all of their children. Explain.
  133. If you had to give up one material possession for the rest of your life what would it be?
  134. If no one ever read your blog or knew that it existed, would you continue to write?
  135. If you could switch places with another mom in your life, who would it be and what would you do differently?
  136. If your child/spouse/family member/pet took over your blog for a day, what would it say?
  137. The job you’d love to have and why it isn’t the job your currently in (or why it IS the job you’re currently in
  138. Best moment from being in school
  139. The most expensive piece of clothing you’ve ever purchased and why
  140. The biggest “learning” moment you’ve had in your life so far, or the several moments you’ve had.
  141. Talk about one thing you’ve always REALLY wanted to do but haven’t.
  142. Write about what you think is the worst technological invention we’ve had
  143. The one place in the world you’d really like to live.
  144. Your most favorite and most annoying celebrity.
  145. The person in your life who has influenced you the most and why.
  146. I wish I could change the way I.
  147.  I was a bad friend when..
  148. My favorite holiday(any holiday) moment
  149. If you could pick one day to relive in your life, which would it be & why?
  150. What were you doing on this day, 10 years ago?
  151. Where in the world would you NOT want to live? Why?
  152. Who has impacted you greatly but has no idea?
  153. If you wrote a letter to the President, what would it say?
  154. What is the chore you hate to do and how creative could you be in getting out of it?
  155. You have an hour to yourself; how do you spend it?
  156.  What was your favorite event in your childhood?
  157. What was your favroite event in your adulthood?
  158. What is your motto in life?
  159. What super-power would you most like to have and why?
  160. If you were invisible where would you go?
  161. What is the kindest thing anyone has done for you/you have done for someone?
  162. Who do you admire?
  163. What drives/motivates you everyday?
  164. Talk about a book you’ve read that changed your views on something.
  165. If you could go back in time and talk to your teen self, what would you say?
  166.  The house I grew up in was..
  167. Are you happy w/ your body? Why or why not?
  168. What does your child do that drives you crazy?
  169. My friend let me down..
  170. What I miss most about my life before kids is..
  171. Write about the end of an era for your child: nursing, diapers, elementary school, etc.
  172. A history of your boobs/bra size over the years
  173. I remembered why I fell in love with my husband when he did this..
  174. What would you change about your birth experience if you could?
  175. How were you a better mom BEFORE you had kids?
  176. How has your own childhood changed the way you raise your own kids?
  177. How has your relationship with your pre-mommy friends changed since you’ve become a mom?
  178. Since blogging, do you find you have blogging friends and real life friends?
  179. Are blogging friends different from real life friends? How?
  180. What things in your life have you eased up on since becoming a mom?
  181. Are you happy with the person you’ve become since becoming a mom?
  182. What do you and your husband/significant other have done to try and keep your relationship connected?
  183. Do you feel starting a blog has improved your life or added one too many things on your plate?
  184. What made you decide that you are done having kids? If you aren’t done, what made you decide you’re going to have more?
  185. What made you decided to be a SAHM, WAHM, working mom, etc?
  186. It ain’t easy being green – why you go green or what’s holding you back
  187. A parenting moment when you wanted to throw your hands in the air and completely give up.
  188. A sport or team you’re FANatic about.
  189. You know you’re a working mom when…
  190. The boyfriend/crush you can’t get out of your mind
  191. What if…
  192. Celebrity crush
  193. I lied…
  194. A craft/hobby/interest you wish you were good at
  195. It was no laughing matter….
  196.  Have you turned into your mother?
  197. What are some words of wisdom for a young bride?
  198. Write a letter to a younger version of yourself.
  199. Write a letter for your children in the future.
  200. If you could have dinner with any 3 people, living or dead, who would they be?
  201. Do you have any favorite comfort foods?
  202. Have you tried to pass any childhood traditions or memories down to your own kids?
  203. Pick a day that sticks out of in your memory & write about it.
  204. There’s a Delorian in your driveway & you can now travel through time. Where would you go?
  205. Write your own eulogy
  206. write about that one time at band camp, or in college, or that party… (it doesn’t have to be naughty)
  207. what did you want to be when you grew up and if you could pick a different career right now, what would it be
  208. when you think of the home you grew up in, what is one memory that really stands out?
  209. write an ode to that one pair of jeans or shirt or other item of clothing that always makes you feel hot and amazing
  210. what’s on your bucket list?
  211. take us on a tour of your home. what are your favorite spots and corners, and what’s hiding behind those closet doors
  212. are there any furnishings or decorative items in your home that have intense personal relevance? tell us about them
  213. what’s on your bookshelf? show us pictures. the first thing I look at when I visit someone’s home is their bookshelves. What books do they have. each home has a completely different – and interesting – collection of books. I especially love it when I see things like “The Jews of Iran” (real book that actually sits on our bookshelf) on the same shelf with “Intercourses: the aphrodisiac’s cookbook” (also a real book sitting on our bookshelf, but not next to the book about Iran).
  214. What scares you the most?
  215. What is something that you really want to do, but you haven’t done yet because you are afraid? What will it take to make it happen?
  216. What are your favorite memories from your childhood that you have tried to experience with your own children
  217. Your most embarrassing moment as a Mom…
  218.  The stories behind how you named your children…
  219. What would you change about your spouse?
  220. Who is your alter ego
  221.  If you could turn into any superhero, who would it be and why?
  222. What are some laws that you would pass if you were President?
  223.  If you won the lottery, what would you spend the money on?
  224. What episode on Oprah would you like to be a guest on and why?
  225. What do you do to relax when you are stressed out?
  226. What is the worst parenting advice you ever received?
  227.  If your teenage daughter came to you and told you she was pregnant, how would you react
  228.  What would you do if your spouse cheated on you?
  229. If you could do anything in the world, money being no object, what would be it be?
  230. What is your dream job?
  231.  What is your opinion on depression? Made up or real chemical imbalance?
  232. Write about your favorite celebrity crush.
  233. Do you have to choose to love or does it just “happen”?
  234. Write about WHY you stay married.
  235. What is the best food you have ever tasted
  236. Write about your childhood best friend. What was the biggest lesson you learned from him/her
  237. What is your favorite book? Where/why did you first read it
  238. You have $10 in your pocket and have to eat for 2 days (you can’t return home to eat from the cupboards) how will you survive?
  239. If you were a guest on The Ellen Show, what would be the topic you are there to discuss?
  240. You have been given $1,000,000.00 to use as you wish, however you can not keep any of it. Who would you give the money to?
  241. Describe your alter ego. How is he/she different than you? How are you similar?
  242. What 3 lessons (good or bad) did you learn from you own mother (or person you see as being your maternal figure)
  243. They are making a movie about you and your family, who is portraying you? how about your spouse? Describe what the movie is about.
  244. You are having a dinner party. What 5 people real/fictional/dead/alive/fmily/friends would you pick to sit at your table? And why?
  245. If you could have any elective cosmetic surgery, would you? What would you do?
  246.  Oh No I Didn’t! Have you ever hit “enter” to soon? Or realized after you did something that you shouldn’t have!
  247. Anxiety Are you one of the lucky ones who suffers from anxiety? What do you do to get through it!?!
  248.  Go back and re-read your 99th blog post – What did you write about? What would you change? Has your blogging style changed since then?
  249. Favorite Childhood Teacher Who sticks on in your mind? Was it a grade school teacher, a church leader or just a friend you looked up to?
  250. Why did you start blogging
  251. )….and it landed me in the ER… Explain a time you ended up in the ER, what was the end result? Did you ever do whatever “it” was again!?!
  252. What one food could you live on the rest of your life?
  253. Ever been thrown a surprise party? Were you surprised? Shocked? Happy? Angry? What happened?
  254. Favorite Disney Memory. Was it at Disneyland/Disneyworld? Was it a movie? Was it a trip to the Disney Store? What’s your favorite memory?
  255.  Have you met a celebrity? Who? Where? How?
  256. If you could blog about anything on your blog, without worrying about your family or anyone you know reading it, what would you blog about?
  257. If you could have any talent at all in the world, which would it be?
  258. If someone offered you one free cosmetic alteration, which would it be and why
  259. What do you imagine you will be like at age 70?
  260. If you could change one thing about yourself that is not physical, what would it be?
  261. What historical period in time do you wish you were born ?
  262. What is one chance you regret not taking?
  263. If you could apologize to someone for a past “sin”, who would it be?
  264. What do you wish you would have gone to college for?
  265. What kind of an actress would you be, and why
  266.  What things do you wish you had done differently in your marriage?
  267. My earliest memory is
  268. My most embarrassing momet ever
  269. My favourite animal and why
  270. The doctor said…
  271. I love my best friend because
  272.  I wish I had more time to
  273.  If only…
  274. My first car…
  275. My advice about sex
  276. My advice about marriage
  277. Misadventure in going green. What DIDN’T work for you?
  278. Write a letter to yourself the day you graduated high school.
  279. Write a response to a snarky email or comment.
  280. An irrational fear left over from childhood.
  281. A post (with a picture) describing the worst style you ever had.
  282. A blog how-to. Describe a technical problem you encountered with your blog and how you resolved it.
  283. Write a love letter to your favorite part of your body.
  284. The weirdest thing you like to eat.
  285. A list of your pet peeves
  286.  A list of the strangest foods in your kitchen.
  287. Have you ever snooped in your teenagers room?
  288.  They grow up so fast. Whe do you let them where make-up, shave their legs, etc?
  289. What’s your worst date ever?
  290. Write about a friendship that drifted apart.
  291. Write about a a heartbreak that happened to someone you loved, but there wasn’t a damn thing you could do about it.
  292.  I love my husband, but…
  293. Have you ever sent a text/email to the wrong person…
  294. Are women just catty by nature?
  295. Why is your BFF the greatest?
  296. Are you an alpha mom or would you like to slit their throats?
  297. My all time favorite recipe and why
  298. What family means to me
  299. Balancing work, kids, & a blog
  300. What’s your favorite season of the year & why?
  301. This one time… (most embarrassing, intense, or uplifting moment of your life)
  302. A mistake I wish I hadn’t made
  303. Who is your idol? Do they inspire you? Explain.
  304. Things you did as a child/teenager that you hope your kids never do!
  305. If you could trade places with someone for the day who would it be and why?
  306. Say that you’re a fly on the wall….
  307. My stomach sunk…
  308. I heard heavy breathing…
  309. It’s Groundhog Day. What day are you going to repeat over and over again?
  310. The craziest diet fad I’ve tried was..
  311.  whats on your mind while nursing in the early hours of the morning
  312.  tips for the picky eating toddler
  313. are you a daily list person, if so, what things never get crossed off?
  314. does your “online” voice differ from your “offline”
  315. if you could do it all again, would you?
  316. what brings out the inner child in you
  317.  jack and jill ran up that hill too you know…40 things to do before 40?
  318. top 10 baby must haves for a first time mom
  319.  if your children could describe you with one word, what would you like it to be?
  320.  how does your coffee order at Starbucks mirror your personality?
  321. What did people tease you about when you were a kid?
  322. Which celebrity do you despise the most and why?
  323. What’s the best vacation you’ve ever taken? (good excuse for really awesome pictures)
  324. What is something you swore you’d never do and changed your mind?
  325. How do you deal with disappointment?
  326. Are we saying what we really mean in the blog world or are we all just being too nice?
  327. Do you have recurring dreams? Explain.
  328. Do you write about everything or is some stuff protected from publication on your blog? Where do you draw the line?
  329. Tell about your most disappointing job interview.
  330. What is the nastiest thing someone has ever said to you in real life or via Internet comment?
  331. Undivorced is a new relationship state that makes no sense to me. What are your thoughts?
  332. How do you feel about the immigration issues we have in the US?
  333. I’m addicted to Facebook/blogging/Twitter….
  334. If my husband and I had looked for each other online instead of meeting in school/being set up/working together…
  335.  Have you ever considered throwing in the towel on your marriage?
  336. If you could have one “do-over” in life, what would it be
  337.  Tell your first child’s birth story.
  338. Who’s on your “laminated list”? (From “Friends” – who are the celebrities that you and your husband agree you are allowed to sleep with and it doesn’t count as cheating.) You don’t have to agree with the idea, but who would the celebrities be.
  339.  My Top 10 Most Embarrassing Moments
  340.  My Top 10 Most Proud Moments
  341. Introduce us to your alter-ego..the person who embodies every trait you don’t, but may wish you did.
  342. Who has made a huge impact in your life but may not know that they did? Tell them, in a post.
  343. Wish you could go back and have a chat with your younger self? Do it
  344. If you lost all of your belongings in a fire, what would you miss most?
  345. How did you decide on the names for your children/pets?
  346. First job? What was it, and how did it prepare you for motherhood.
  347. Find a Blog Twin…someone you follow who is either like you were when younger OR maybe like what you hope to be when older. Link up with them and each write about the other.
  348. The moment it all changed…when was it? What happened to make your life pivot and head in another direction?
  349. The invisible people. We see them every day…the man picking up litter on his morning walk, the old woman all dressed up to buy groceries for herself and her cat. Notice them and write about what you imagine their life might be like. Bonus if you actually talk to them!
  350. What would your older self have to say to you if she saw how you spend your time? Would you be wasting time on bathrooms, only to find that you should have been dancing? Write about a visit from your older self, through her eyes.
  351. Your most memorable meal.
  352. Worst parenting mistake.
  353. Most vivid childhood memory.
  354. A day in the life of your dog (or cat).
  355. If only my husband would . . .
  356. If you’ve ever lost a family member or friend, what was left unsaid?
  357. Your favorite smell.
  358. What makes you happiest in summer, spring, fall, winter
  359. What 1 song defines your childhood, teenage years or college times?
  360. Describe a moment the earth stood still.
  361. Why the ’80′s were a blur
  362. My kid said “What????”
  363. Most embarrassing thing my child ever repeated or told
  364. The funniest thing about Mr. Clean Magic Erasers
  365. You should have listened to me….
  366. What I could never say to your face
  367. Why my dog is better than yours
  368. Secret Indulgance – shoes shoes shoes baby!
  369. I’ll do that if you’ll do this:
  370. Why I need a vacation from my kids & Hubby
  371. Old habits die hard.
  372. Drug testing welfare recipients.
  373. If you were President of the United States of America.
  374. Letter in a bottle. Who would you send it to, why?
  375. What do you do with “me” time?
  376. If you could magically instill one piece of wisdome in your child(ren) what would it be?
  377. What makes a best friend?
  378.  When did you realize you were all growed up?
  379. If you were on an island and could have a lifetime supply of ONE food what would it be?
  380. If you could bottle one moment in time what would it be?
  381. If you were a tree, which tree would you be? Seriously.If I caught you hiding in your closet, what situation put you there? Crying? Sneaking a snack without kids asking for some? Twitter?
  382. Where do you fall in the birth order of your family? First, middle, baby? Do you think that affected who you are today?
  383. Do you empathize with the child who is your birth order mate? e.g. Mama who was the “baby” with her “baby.”
  384. Do you hate your middle name? Why? What were your parents thinking?
  385. If you took your husband’s last name when you married, are you sorry? Why? If you didn’t take it, why? Did you receive flack for it?
  386. What comes to mind when I say Democrat? Republican? (oh, yeah. I went there.)
  387. Talk me into moving to your state.
  388. Mountains or beach? Why?
  389. Go ahead and confess it, how crappy/no biggie does it feel to have someone “unfollow?”
  390. A childhood memory that shaped who you are as a parent.
  391. Things to do on a rainy day.
  392.  How you have controlled your temper when you really didn’t want to.
  393. A recipe fail… It happens
  394. Your favorite pair of shoes and why.
  395. Which super power wouldn’t you pick and why.
  396. The time you spit your drink all over someone, you were laughing so hard.
  397. Your worst interview
  398. Financial outlook before and after kids, did it change/how.
  399. The one thing you use most in your house
  400. If I had a moment with the likes of Britney Spears, Lyndsay Lohan (insert other celebrity in need of a serious talking to), this is what I would tell her…
  401. How to look good naked
  402. Marathon mania – why I will/won’t be joining the latest craze
  403. You can earn over $1 million to play one tennis tournament, but as little as $60k a year to be a nurse. Why is the world all screwed up? Why do we value sportstars so much?
  404. My thoughts on voluntary Euthanasia
  405. The essential guide to creating a ‘wow’ party
  406. Things my children have taught me about me
  407. 6 uses for the common safety pin
  408. Why laughter really is the best medicine
  409. Competitive parenting: were you battle ready?
  410.  What are your vices?
  411. Would you ever have plastic surgery?
  412. Tell us about one of your tattoos and what it means.
  413. What is your weirdest quirk about housework?
  414. Explain a regret.
  415. What is your favorite school supply?
  416. If you were on a classic tv show, which one would you be on?
  417. Write about a time you were caught dancing when you didn’t think anyone was watching.
  418. How did you meet your spouse?
  419. In-laws – love em or hate em?
  420. What is the most daring thing you have ever done?
  421. What is one possession that you could never live without.
  422. Your biggest pet peeves.
  423. Your fool proof way to get stains out of your carpet.
  424. Why you love your job.
  425. Something that you are amazing at doing
  426.  A dirty confession.
  427. An entry from an old diary or journal.
  428. Your favorite food to make or eat.
  429.  Why you do or don’t watch the news.
  430.  Hospital food – love it or hate it?
  431. My husband is awesome because…
  432. Happiness is…
  433. Daddy/Mommy’s in charge! or Rules of our House
  434. Best/worst Unsolicited Parenting Advice
  435.  Kids for Sale! Slightly used, slightly irregular. Buy It Now or Best Offer – we all love our kids, but these are the things they do that make us wish we could list them on eBay
  436. Blog Tour – what our blogs look like says a lot about us. I’m a guy, so do me a favor: be less subtle and spell it out for me, e.g., design elements, color scheme, etc
  437.  How to tweet w/out being a tw…I’ll refrain from finishing that clause
  438. I’m not ashamed to admit that…
  439.  BRING IT BACK! Cool stuff from your childhood that you wish were still around for your kids to enjoy. Me? Merry-go-rounds, the metal slides that would be burning hot, and cast iron toys.
  440. TAKE IT BACK! WTF?! Fishnet stockings for kids? The Shake Weight?
  441. Best ways to get kids to clean up their toys (with a humorous/tongue-in-cheek twist).
  442. How father’s parent differently than mothers.
  443. Tactics for dealing with sibling rivalry
  444.  Tips to pack a healthy, yet fun, school lunch for kids.
  445.  Your lowest parenting moment.
  446. The moment you realized that you were a good mother/father
  447. Your favorite way to relax
  448.  If you won $100,000, what would you do with the money?
  449. 10 things you want your kids to know about you as a person (not as a parent).
  450. Your family’s very favorite recipe, the one the kids request over and over again.
  451. Who really wears the pants in your family?
  452. One of my irrational phobias is…
  453. Do you peek in other people’s medicine cabinets? (AKA, are you nosy?)
  454. If you could be a fictitious mom (from TV, books, etc), who would you be?
  455.  What makes you jealous?
  456. What words are off limits in your house?
  457. What do you want for your kids that’s different from what you had growing up?
  458. What’s your claim to fame? (real or imaginary)
  459. Is honesty the best policy? Will you always be honest with your kids?
  460.  Five creative things that are perpetually on your to-do list.
  461. Do you have bucket list?
  462. Do you have a goal for your blog?
  463. Are you a helicopter parent
  464. Write a letter to yourself from your children.
  465. Tell the story of how you met your SO
  466. What is your favorite childhood memory?
  467. Write a letter to someone, and tell them everything you really want to say (of course if they read your blog, this might be a no-go)
  468. What did you want to be when you grew up?
  469. What moment made you most proud of yourself
  470.  Do you have a favorite sibling?
  471. My Dysfunctional Oscar Awards Acceptance Speech
  472. Five things I’d tell my younger and more stupid self NOT to do
  473.  The blog I don’t write but wish I did.
  474.  And the Award for “Most Annoying Person I’ve Ever Met” Goes To….
  475.  Why it would be a BAD idea for me to have taken that job as a….
  476. YES, I did this on purpose….
  477. Why my life would be better with a soundtrack, laughtrack, live studio audience, MC or set of gameshow contestants.
  478. Here’s who would play me in the movie…
  479. In a past and more exciting life, I was a….
  480. Dear People In Charge: I need you to fix….
  481. Something nobody knows that you’ve always wanted to say out loud
  482. Someone you admire and why
  483. The best day of your life so far
  484. Pretend your husband is making a random announcement on your blog
  485. Before you got married, you said you would never…
  486. Your most peaceful memory
  487. Where you want to be in 20 years
  488. The nicest thing someone you did not know ever told you
  489. Does aging scare you?
  490. Describe what happiness means to you in 100 words
  491.  What did turning 18 mean to you?
  492. Ask your mom about your birth story and than write about it for your children…
  493. First memory as a child
  494.  Amazingly embarrassing moment
  495. Oops… I put my foot in my mouth…
  496. Your aaahhh moment of the day
  497. The elephant in the room…
  498. I can’t stand looking at it for one more minute!
  499. I am not a perfect mom… let me tell you why
  500.  _____ (i.e. cookie dough in my case) is my nemesis because….
  501. Discuss the person/people who inspires you on a daily basis.
  502. Exercise….friend or foe
  503. Mothers and Daughters…the evolving relationship
  504. The most inventive punishment that you ever doled out to your child.
  505. 7 things to do this weekend that do not take an excessive amount of planning
  506. Doing nothing….why is this so hard?
  507. Scrapbooking as a hobby; making it a social event…
  508. When one child has a health issue…how do you maintain balance and still attend properly to the remaining children.
  509. Children and planned activities….when is it appropriate….when is enough, enough!
  510. Kids are missing out on the relaxed childhood days that I experienced…..why is this?
  511. Where do you want to retire and why?
  512. Make a recipe from a magazine each week for a month and blog & photograph it.
  513. Write about a conversation that needs to be had with one of your parents.
  514. If you could re-plan your wedding, what would you do differently now?
  515. Write about a time when you gossiped about someone or something and you got in trouble for it.
  516.  Describe your biggest pet peeve and how you fall victim to it everyday.
  517. What’s the craziest/funniest/silliest/scariest Halloween costume you’d love to wear but are afraid to.
  518. What holiday do you despise and why?
  519. When was the last time you stole something and what was it?
  520. Write about a movie that sadly relates to your life.
  521. Why I started Blogging?
  522. Dream destination?
  523. Favorite book and why?
  524. My family!
  525. Create a healthy entrée
  526. Create a unique, fun and healthy smoothie
  527. Your biggest weakness? (Challenge yourself to stop your weakness for a week)
  528. Try drinking more water, and stop soda for a week.
  529. Share a special story from your childhood
  530. Try making a recipe from Julia Childs book, “Mastering the art of French cooking”
  531. What do you wish you knew about your spouse before you got married?
  532. Write about a time that something you said came out completely wrong. What did you really mean to say?
  533. How does time and experience changed your perspective on something?
  534. Sometimes the smallest things make the biggest impacts on our life. Is there someone or something made an impact and they may not even know it?
  535. We all try to put our best foot forward when we blog. What would your readers be surprised about if they met you in real life?
  536. Is there a song that you love but completely misinterpreted the lyrics to or had no clue what they were talking about?
  537. What is the most awkward conversation you have ever had.
  538. I lied… and don’t feel bad about it.
  539. I feel guilty, but I still do it.
  540.  What was the best prank you ever played or that was played on you?
  541. My heroes are…
  542. What does the phrase “using life well” mean to you.
  543. The moment I realized I was a grownup…
  544. Describe a time you rediscovered something that you have seen your whole life.
  545. Who am I to become?
  546. Would you be friends with you?
  547. What kind of make-over would like… physical, mental, etc?
  548. If you could have one skill, what would it be?
  549. Describe a friendship that fell apart and why.
  550. If you could do it all over again, would you? What would you change or do differently?
  551. What did you swear you would “never” do as a parent, and then (of course) did?
  552. What is the ideal spacing between siblings and why?
  553. Are boys or girls easier to raise? Why?
  554.  Ideal guests for a dinner party – between 3 and 6 guests – and why.
  555. Mom vs. Me – How to carve out time for yourself while being the best parent possible
  556. Are “soulmates” real or a social construct?
  557. Do parents inevitably have a “favorite” child? Why or why not?
  558. Homeschooling – freakish or forward-thinking?
  559. Gifted kids – Do you have them? Who decides?
  560. Would you rather be super attractive or super intelligent? Defend your position.
  561. The things I miss about being a kid
  562. The thing I love most about having brothers and sisters is…
  563. Favorite holiday and why
  564. A time that something happened and your reaction was completely different than you would’ve expected it to be
  565. Write a letter to the household chore you hate the most
  566. A memory, good or bad, that will forever be frozen in your mind
  567. Write the apology that you owe someone, but never gave to them
  568. What do you love the most about yourself?
  569. What habits/traits do you hope you don’t pass on to your children
  570. Describe the day you found out you were pregnant with your first child; your thoughts and feelings.
  571. Do you have any ghostly encounters
  572. What was the best marital advice you were given?
  573. Do you have a soundtrack of your life? If so what’s the song
  574.  Do you believe in black magic?
  575. If you could do a do-over of a fraction of time in your life what would that be?
  576. If you got a book deal, what would write about?
  577. List your 5 teen crush on celebrities
  578. Online dating. Have you done it? How do you feel about it?
  579. If you got a movie deal about your life based on your blog. Who would be the leading lady and why?
  580. Letting go…how do get through it
  581. What gets you out of bed in the mornings?
  582.  What do you enjoy most about your life?
  583. Money vs. Happiness: Which is most important to you?
  584. Share a favorite dish you love cooking with your children.
  585. How soon should we begin teaching our children about God?
  586. Why have you chosen not to teach your children abut God?
  587. As parents, should we be more honest about how it really feels to raise children, from the greatest moments to our all time lows?
  588. Have we as moms and dads allowed society to shape our view of what kind of parents we should be?
  589.  What are you teaching your children that you learned from your parents?
  590.  How do you feel about Grandparents’ rights to have a relationship with their grandchildren, even if they have to haul you in court for it
  591. What ladies in the workforce would you like to honor? Which ones would you honor that many people do not think about…like the ladies who stock the salad bars, the Wal-Mart greeters, etc.?
  592. Toothfairy traditions at your house
  593.  What does milk mean to you?
  594.  If your jewelry in your jewelry box could talk, what would it say?
  595.  If the books on our nightstand could talk, what would they say?
  596. Name 10 creative ways to pass the time in the carpool lane.
  597. If you were responsible for writing fortunes in fortune cookies, what would they say?
  598. If you were the #1 street namer for a neighborhood, what names would you come up with?
  599.  You may say you just want your kids to be happy and you dont’ care what they decide to do for a career. Is that really true?
  600.  What did you like “playing” as a child?
  601. What did you want to be as a child? Are you?
  602.  Why is that in my purse?
  603.  My favorite thing that I use in the bathroom
  604. My favorite kitchen utencil to use.
  605. Looking at my children, I can see…..
  606. This is what I do every morning when I get ready
  607. Let me tell you why (this TV anchor) gets on my nerves!
  608. What I miss about be without children
  609. I love (name a sport)
  610.  I have always wanted to be…
  611. What my children are missing that I had when I was growing up.
  612.  Sweetest thing my child did today
  613. Ten most guilty pleasures
  614. My biggest pet peeve
  615. Write about a conversation you recently overheard
  616. When I feel frustrated I….
  617. A moment in my life I would like to re-live
  618. Are you where you thought you would be in life?
  619.  The most embarrassing thing your child has done to you?
  620.  How to get the mojo back into your relationship.
  621. I am not crazy, I swear!
  622. If you could start your life over what would you change?
  623. One word that describes you and why
  624.  Best parenting advice for a difficult child.
  625.  Most embarrassing parenting moment.
  626. Do you have to love your family because they’re family?
  627. The truth about depression
  628.  Honest confessions about motherhood.
  629. Most guilty endulgance.
  630. Men should have periods too.
  631. Age I most want to be.

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