July 19, 2012

A Time for Huckleberries

We went huckleberry picking a couple days ago at a top secret,undisclosed place in our area.  I was amazed at how many berries we found!  It's only the middle of July, and all of the little bushes are completely loaded up.  We (well, the kids and I- Derrick is going to be riding motos with friends) are going to go picking again tonight with Shannon.

It was so unbelievably beautiful in that forrest.  I had never been there before, but now I know where some more great hiking trails are.  The whole time we were up there we heard distant thunder rumbling.  Shannon, who has been up there a lot, said it is pretty common to hear thunder there this time of year.   In this case, however, a huge storm system was coming through the area, and toward the end of our time there we started to get rained on and the wind began to make the trees begin to sway all around us.  We high tailed it out of there, with imaginings of trees snapping around our heads. 

In town, some trees did get blown over.  The storm had mostly passed by the time we reached town again, but the sky was so amazing- deep pink, with lit up clouds.  This really has been a beautiful summer.

July 16, 2012


So far this summer has been a busy one. We accidentally ended up at home this weekend, and it felt pretty good; it was the first one here in quite awhile.  So far July has been about slumber parties (for Kloe), riding motorcycles (for Derrin and Derrick), swimming lessons in T. Falls, and lots of time with friends and family.
Kloe's Summer 2012 Slumber Party
(June 30-July 1)
Kloe's room got it's usual overhaul (I just can't resist cleaning her room at least four times a year.  I accept this about myself finally) to prepare for her company.  Steph, Aiyana, and Bailey came over Friday night, and Stephy helped me hang lights and party things, and also drink quite a bit of coffee, and the girls played until the wee hours.  Kloe and I decorated her room too (somehow, no pictures were taken of that...) so they were able to sleep in high slumber party style. 

Sabrina, Darby, and Sara came the next day around two, and we ate cake, did projects, and the big girls talked while the little ones played (and we all took care of a baby bird the girls had found the day before and named "Pepper"... he was our guest of honor).
This is one of Sabrina's completely fabulous cakes she made for Kloe's slumber party.  Kloe couldn't really decide to go with an animal theme or beauty shop theme, so thus the poodle with the finger nail polish.

We did a cool tiedye project with permanent markers, cups, rubber bands, and rubbing alcohol.

...and, of course, a water balloon fight.

awww, cousins:)

Darby, Kloe, Aiyana, and Bailey
Guest of Slumber Party Honor, rescued baby bird "Pepper"
Darby holding the group's baby bird, "Pepper".  He was found by the girls on Friday night.  They kept him safe and warm, and we fed him warm squished cat food, as suggested by the wise folks on the Internet. 

Trying to put Pepper back in the nest didn't work out so well- he jumped back out into danger and had to be rescued by our animal squad again.

Unfortunately, despite all of their love and efforts, the girl's little birdy Pepper died July 4th.  Many tears were shed, and they made this tribute in his honor.

Boys Camping/Moto/Stars Wars Trip to Avery
(June 28-July 1)
The same weekend as our slumber party, the dads took Derrin and Cameron to Avery Idaho for some fishing, motorcycle riding, and even a little Star Wars watching (Cameron had never seen it, so it was a right of passage viewing). Reports from all indicate a great time was had, and there is a high probability we we all get to go to Avery for camping eventually.
Steve, camp cook extrordinare.

Self-Portrait, Derrick and a little friend.

Aw, they are so stinking cute!  Watching the Dads fish here.

Cam, going through the long tunnel.

They rode a lot of miles this day (60 miles total).  Derrick said the boys were completely wore out and ready to go home by the end, which is saying a lot- don't think I have ever seen them actually ready to stop riding before.

Chef Steve, making it a sea food night.  I'm having him cator our next slumber party- we just had burgers! :)
That Sunday night, Steve took the boys to T. Falls (he was dropping Derrin off at Steph's, while his fam was staying at a friend's cabin there), and Steph took all the girls back to T. Falls.  Swimming lessons started that Monday, and all the kids were able to be in lessons together again (including Cameron, Darby, Aiyana, Colton, Bailey, Carter, Derrin and Kloe).  I had to work Monday and Tuesday, so I didn't get to join the group until Wednesday (July 4th).  Steph is renting a little house right on the river in T. Falls- such a pretty place, full of peacefulness AND children- an interesting combo. 

I know this will be the week I remember as the highlight of this summer.  It had all of the elements of happy memories- playing with our friends and family, constantly playing in the water, and perfect weather for playing in the water (it was in the 90's the whole time).  I know this will be a week I will wish I could zip back to over and over. 
Summer in T. Falls, 2012
(July 2-July 14)

Nae, Bean and Kloe at Steph's house

View from Steph's back deck (addicted to morning coffee out there with that view).

Steph's cute little house.

Burying One's cousin is SO fun:)

Kloe practicing her diving skills.  Sabrina took these swimming pics.  I had pics of Derrin too (he was in an earlier class before Sabrina and her kiddies would come), but my memory card was out of my camera for those (bad bad brain of mine).  :(  Colton and Heidi were at lessons too, but my pics of them also were on my non-existant memory card:'(

She made Level 3 this year!!!  :))) 

Derrin and Phil being pulled by Steve out on the river.

Our feast with the kiddies, out on the back deck of the cabin.  We spent a lot of time playing out on the river here too.

A trip up Grave's Creek to see the waterfall with the kids.

Our group (minus me, cuz I'm the pic taker)- Sabrina, Cameron, Derrin, Kloe, Chantil, Aiyana, Steph (holding Indi), Darby

My babies and me

Princess Stephy-Poo


My boy

My boy and me:)
Now we are back home, back to real life.  We loved the last couple of weeks, but it does feel good to be back home in our own beds and our routines.  So glad we have more summer to look forward to and enjoy.