February 22, 2011

I Just Can't Get Rid of Rush Limbaugh

I can not stand Rush Limbaugh.  There, I said it.  Many years ago, pre-children or any awareness of anything political at all, I used to work at a clinic in the insurance department.  It was the most boring job I have ever had in my LIFE.  Every day was pure drudgery, misery and a wishing away of the hours until I could finally leave that mold infested building and go home.  Since the bulk of my day involved mindless data entry, I found that listening to books on tape helped the time go faster.  Somehow, the diabolical woman who I called my boss found out about my survival strategy, and made a new rule that we were only allowed to listen to the radio, as books on tape might be too distracting (and sanity saving; she liked us weak/crazy- easier to control that way) for employees to indulge in.  That was when I discovered public radio.  I started listening to talk shows around that time, mainly Rush Limbaugh and Dr. Laura (she is a whole other blog topic). 

I could care less about anything political in the world. While having a few sincere folks who try hard (but ineffectually) to make things better, for the most part human governments are purely wicked.  Listening to Rush Limbaugh didn't make me feel better or worse about Republicans or Liberal folks.  Rush Limbaugh just made me hate Rush Limbaugh the man.  Could anybody be more of a racist, nationalistic (in the flavor of everyone who doesn't believe the same as me and live in my country SUCKS), in love with his own voice, woman hating, know-it-all???  It didn't take long for me to vow never to listening to him voluntarily again.  I started listening to music radio to get through the work day and never looked back.

The only reason that I bring this up today is that we have surround sound in our house.  I really enjoy listening to Pandora from my blackberry- I just plug my blackberry into the music jack thingy, and my music is in every room.  The only problem is that in the master bathroom (where I listen to it the most when I get ready in the morning), I somehow get a phantom AM station that seems to ONLY ever have Rush Limbaugh on it.  Whenever Pandora pauses between songs or has a brain fart where is stops all together, there is his ratty hate mongering voice, rambling on.  I wonder how much of his words are seeping through my music and burrowing into my mind like misogynistic brain mites.  Seems that if that were happening it would be making me a more angry-ish person, and also chipping away at any sort of intelligence I may have.  I guess why I am writing this is as an explanation if I were to totally lose it any time soon.  You could blame it on life struggles, or this winter that seems like it will never end, but now you know: It was Rush Limbaugh's fault.

Rush Limbaugh- Only Swimsuit Models Have the Right To Promote Healthy Living


Anonymous said...

I can't stand Rush either! He's a pig. I did like listening to Dr. Laura for awhile for the pure shock factor of it. She is crazy! :) I love my job in the insurance department, but I work with really great people & it is challenging. When I was in the data entry department it was quite boring so I'm glad I moved. I've always listened to audiobooks & they're okay with it. Thank goodness. I would go crazy if they took that away from me. :) I just finished listening to The Shack, The Secret Garden & A Girl Named Zippy. All good. Now I'm listening to the sequel to A Girl Named Zippy (can't remember what it's called) & next in my drawer is A Tree Grows In Brooklyn. We have a library down the street so my drawer is always stocked. :) Have you read any of those books?

ps...I'm need the surround sound hookup in our house! That sounds so great. I would like speakers on the back patio too.


~From Paradise~ said...

I have read the secret garden- it was one of the first "big" books Derrin and I ever read together:) It was one I loved as a kid, and he loved it too. I'll have to check out the other titles you mentioned- I'm always on the look out for a good book!!! I was thinking that it might be fun to run to books too- not sure if it would be as good as music, but it might take my mind off of my heart wanting to explode when I push myself harder:)
Data entry and books on tape should just be standard operation. Companies should actually have huge libraries just for employees who do that kind of work. My opinion anyway:) Who you work for and with makes ALL the difference too- I have had a lot of jobs with varying degrees of fun-ness, and as long as the people there were cool, I liked it there. The boss at the job I was talking about before took the CAKE. I used her as a reference for this job, and she actually called to offer me my old job back (from 10 years before). Made me smile, a LOT. Obviously her perception of my time there was a bit different than mine:)
As far as the surround sound goes, it's a perk of having an electrician for a husband. He keeps trying to tell me how to get rid of Rush Limbaugh, but I can't seem to make it happen:)