May 23, 2012

Memorial Day Camping Trip, 2012 Style

This weekend we are going camping up at Frog Pond Basin. I know, I have said every year for the last 10 years that I will never ever camp on even one more rainy memorial day weekend, but folks, I was out voted, out classed, and out of my league. My 9 year old child pleaded with me to go... and even though part of me wants to go to T. Falls to visit my family, the other part of me knows that someday I would have looked back and felt a huge twinge of guilt that I turned my little girl down when she wanted me to go camping with her.

At this point, I am even looking forward to it. Even if it pours the whole weekend, we can hide away in our cozy little campers and stay warm.

The kids both made their own packing lists this year. Kloe made hers on Monday, mentally preparing well in advance for a camping trip that rates HIGH on her fun scale (seriously, it rated a 40, the highest score... check out her graph on her list!).

Pocket nifes and stuffed animals: crucial to camping when you are 9... but apparently no there is no need for extravagant packing of too many clothes.  As for a swimming suit during May camping in Montana, that is the stuff dreams are made of.
Derrin's packing list, however, reflects the thoughtfulness of a well organized 11 year old. Next year's list will also include a PowerPoint presentation. :)
Also dreaming of swimming weather during May in Montana.  Ah, my babies.  Someday they will understand that the reason I love camping during July and August is I want to pack my swimsuit too!! :)
They are all heading out tomorrow. I am waiting until Friday afternoon to ride up with Chatelle and Sabrina, cuz I have stuffs to do on Thursday. Anyways, here is to making some good memories.

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