August 6, 2012

...And Then We Went to the Beach...

Just this last weekend, we did our annual Como Lake Camping Trip with our buddies, the Diefenbachs. It was such a beautiful weekend, and there was plenty of relaxing and laughing all around.

We spent a lot of the time laying around on the beach.  I love Como Lake.  I don't think it can possibly be too common of a thing to have sandy beaches, warm water, and be completely surrounded by an amazing mountain range.  I know it isn't that common in our nick of the woods.

The kids had a great time.  Derrin and Tyler rode their bikes to the lake, and generally enjoyed the freedom of being one of the bigger kids.  The three girls tromped around in the woods, playing and plotting to catch 'chickmonks'.  They even built some awesome traps, but it just didn't work out this time.  If they keep honing their chickmonk trapping skills, I bet next time it will be a sure thing.

This next weekend is going to be the only one in August that we are going to be home. The weekend after we are going to camp with my family up in Trout Creek, and the weekend after that we will be camping with the Holland crew in Hungry Horse. We may just be ready to settle down when September finally hits us with all of it's real life responsibilities!

~Kloe, explaining her chickmonk traps~

Last year it was Derrick's name on the Beach Headstone.  This time, I was the lucky corpse.

They are just SO SAD!! :p haha

Did someone say, mustache?

And maybe a goatee?

And a sideburn?  This is what happens when people leave chard wood laying around at the beach.

See that sly look in her eye?  It matches her mustache.  She is a woman of international intrigue.

Deana and Rob on the dock.

Como Lake really is lovely.

This is my wild wild friend, Deana.  Just love that woman:)

And this is my studly husband.  Love that man too.

And my precious boy.

And this is Rob, my friend and poker nemesis.  I will beat him soundly someday.

Our camper, nestled in the trees.

He beat us all soundly (again).  Pretty sure he cheats.

Someday she will catch that chickmonk.  It will be a very fine day.

The ChickMonk Hunters!!

Time for some camping manicures!!!

Ooh, so pretty!

Going home, with my crazy nails....


I've been meaning to post forever in here, and now I am a little overwhelmed by all of the stuff I meant to write down, but haven't yet.  Oh, and I am also overwhelmed by all of the pictures I've been meaning to post.  I have no excuse, except for the sheer busy-ness of this summer. 

We've had such a great time being with all of our friends.  There has been a lot of playing, but we've also been trying to stay on top of other important things too.

Sabrina, Steph,, Renae and I took all of our kids to Silverwood during the last week of July.  Despite the heat and the long lines, we all had a really good time.  Good memories. 

And with all of that being said, now is the portion of the blog where I load a ton of pictures (and videos!). 

Finally made it with our crew, now on to the rides!

In line for the first ride of the day.

The girlies, all aboard!

After surviving the Panic Plunge.  Probably not the best choice to inspire further exploration of new scary-ish rides.

Poor 'Nae, being coerced into riding the scary ones!

Plotting out further rides.

'Nae and I at the water park, chilling while everyone else went down slides.