January 28, 2014


Okay.  I need to accept that I will need to use the blogger app for this Mexico tip, but I do not like it.  I usually don't have too much to say about apps, because hey, they are free, but I really don't love the blogger app  because everything always looks funny when I post, and if I even TRY to post a picture.... well it is laughable.  Oh well.  I am still somewhat triumphant, because I finally paired Derrick's keyboard to my tablet and it is working.  Oh, sweet success.

I want to paint my fingernails.  I bought the polish two days ago in anticipation of just this night and this hour, and now I can not find the polish.  Grrr....

Tomorrow will be a blur of packing, working out, a pedicure (for beach wear), grocery shopping to make sure Renae and the kids have every thing they need while we are gone, and more packing.  Nothing brings out my ubber prepared alter ego like traveling without the kids.

I am excited to go.  But, at this moment I am nervous about leaving them, even though they are in very capable hands.

January 27, 2014

A Finished Room and Some Travel Talk

We finished Kloe's room (for the most part) last week.  It is a small space, so making lots of places to organize and store things really helped create order out of the chaos.  It's hard to tell from this picture, but this is a captain's bed with extra storage underneath.
We finally found her comforter at Target.  I actually really like the one she chose.  It has a mix of a lot of my favorite colors (and hers too!).   The underside is orange, and super fuzzy and soft.

Here are the "Carmel" colored walls, which she chose all on her own.  We also thinned out her stuffed animals and displayed the ones she chose to keep.  The book shelf was also one of the craigslist finds.  My girl loves to read, and she loves to collect books, but she had nowhere to put them so they were a major contributor to clutter.  This is so much better:)

I made the curtain valance with a board and some material to bring more of the aqua color into the room.  Derrick was finally able to install the ceiling fan we bought for the room over a year ago (both the bunk bed and loft bed she previously used pretty much ensured decapitation of he'd installed it any sooner).  He also fixed her closet doors, and hung the stuffed animal shelf and new mirror (he can put things on the wall straight the first time he tries.  I always make a couple extra holes in my attempts).
This is the dresser, night stand and bed I bought on craiglist. 

Aunt Bean is going to paint an owl picture with Kloe's colors to go on this empty bit of wall above the lizard's aquarium.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy..."  My contribution to her walls:)

Most likely you can tell, but I am very excited with how her room came together.  I think this will be much easier for her to maintain. 

Now for a completely unrelated topic:

We get to leave this grey winter-ish land next week!

I have been holding in this little bit of personal happy-ness for awhile now, mostly so I don't create the winter hate mob this sort of news has a way of generating.

But now, I am too excited to care.

We are going to Cancun.  We've traveled to Mexico quite a few times, but we've never been to that part of the country.  This is also the first time we will be going to an all inclusive resort.  This is also the first time we are traveling with another couple (Deana and Rob) to such a far away place.

Yes, I am excited.

Aunt Nae is going to stay at our place with the kiddos.  We always feel a little guilty leaving the kids behind, but it is important to be able to have these times once in awhile with each other (plus we just took them to Mexico last March, so we don't feel too guilty).

My goals for this trip are:
  • Don't get sick this time!! Mexico has not been very kind to me on some of our previous trips.
  • Lay in the sun, and soak up mass amounts of vitamin D. 
  • Play in the ocean.  Hoping for good snorkeling.
  • Have fun with our friends! :)
  • Write a little every day we are down there, and take lots of pictures.
  • Gather great memories to carry us through to Spring.

January 13, 2014

A Whale of a Room

I've tried a lot of ideas to inspire my daughter to take care of her room throughout the years.

One time I labeled dresser drawers for specific pieces of clothing, labeled toy bins, labeled the garbage (with a list of things that should go into it)... you get the idea.  I hung a list on the wall that broke down what to pick up first and what to put away and in what order.  It worked for a while until one day I went in and saw that she had rearranged and added to all of the labels.  It resulted in nulling and voiding the system I had created.  

I think it was her way of reclaiming her room (and pulling it back into the abyss of chaos). 

Several times I stripped her room of toys.  This at first made her sad, but then ultimately made her feel rescued, so I had to rethink the benefits of that idea.  

Her room has been my white whale throughout the years, a whale that has kicked my butt so hard that have I lapsed into periods of avoidance.  But I always find my way back to crusader mode. 

This weekend, the saga of managing Kloe's bedroom had a new chapter installment. 

In an effort to make her embrace her bedroom and really make it hers, I decided an overhaul was needed.  She no longer wanted the loft bed she's been using (and before that a bunk bed), so I found a new regular twin bed.  Well, not really new, but a used and in great condition bed off of craigslist
(If I ever just up and disappear, you can fairly safely assume that I finally wandered to the wrong craigslist ad and am now chopped into bits floating somewhere down the river). 

I also found a taller/less space-consuming dresser for her (again off of craigslist), as well as a bookshelf and nightstand.  Between the extra storage that the bed has under it, and all of the extra storage all of the other new items, it should be easier to make a place for her things. 

Saturday, Kloe and I went to the paint store where she picked a new wall color completely by herself.  The last time I painted in there, I chose a yellow color (cheerful, right?) She never approved. 

She wanted her walls to be "carmel", and chose a warmish tan color.  We (and I mean Kloe and I) put the first coat of paint down last night (Sunday).  Fifteen minutes into the process, she stopped and said "Doing this is not as fun as it looks" (and I smile as I type that).  I replied "Yes, I know that because this is the fourth time I have painted this little room of yours, and the first two times I did the whole thing by myself".  My hope (which I expressed to her), is that by understanding how much work it is to paint a bedroom, she will have a better understanding about why it is so important to me that she try to resist the urge to use thumb tacks to display her ever changing works of art (I will be hanging a new cork board though, because her art really does need to be displayed). 

She has also chose a new comforter set for her new bed, which I will be ordering soon.  I have really had to resist the urge to take over this choice, because Kloe and I like very different styles and colors (I want lots of bright colors, and she keeps leaning towards more subdued colors).

 I don't consider myself a controlling person, but the amount of effort it has taken to put the brakes on just taking over and doing it my way has been considerable.  I've had to focus on the big picture goal, which is not having a bedroom decorated just as I would like, but instead to have a room that Kloe feels connected to.  I am hoping that this will create more of a sense of responsibility in taking care of it.  

Now, we wait and watch and hope for success.  :)