January 28, 2014


Okay.  I need to accept that I will need to use the blogger app for this Mexico tip, but I do not like it.  I usually don't have too much to say about apps, because hey, they are free, but I really don't love the blogger app  because everything always looks funny when I post, and if I even TRY to post a picture.... well it is laughable.  Oh well.  I am still somewhat triumphant, because I finally paired Derrick's keyboard to my tablet and it is working.  Oh, sweet success.

I want to paint my fingernails.  I bought the polish two days ago in anticipation of just this night and this hour, and now I can not find the polish.  Grrr....

Tomorrow will be a blur of packing, working out, a pedicure (for beach wear), grocery shopping to make sure Renae and the kids have every thing they need while we are gone, and more packing.  Nothing brings out my ubber prepared alter ego like traveling without the kids.

I am excited to go.  But, at this moment I am nervous about leaving them, even though they are in very capable hands.

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