March 22, 2015

Den of Sickness

Derrick is super sick again.  This time it is the throwing up, white and shaking like a leaf kind of sick.  Last time it was the sore throat, fever, shaking like a leaf kind of sick (only a week ago).  Derrin ended up with the fever /sore throat today too.  We are the den of sickness around here.

Telling people you are living in the den of sickness does not make them giggle like it does me.  Just fyi (to myself) for future reference.

I'm not afraid of getting sick.

The last time I was super sick was after going to Mexico to visit Derrick's parents, which was almost two years ago.  I ended up with bronchitis and two ear infections, and Kloe ended up with food poisoning.

The special story we like to spring on unsuspecting friends has to do with that flight home from Mexico, when I (bronchitis girl, so sick I could barely sit there) was sitting with Kloe (food poisoning girl, destined to vomit both on the way up (which I was prepared for), and on the way down (which I was NOT prepared for)... (and yes, I realized that that was a parentheses with in a parenthesis..... sometimes you should just expect this blog to be an English nightmare!!)  We ended that flight with both of us covered with... unpleasantness.

We had a lay over in Houston though, so at least we were able to soak our clothes off before then last flight home the next morning.

Anyways, poor Derrick has been sick for way too long.  I'm feeling bad for him... he'd hoped he'd managed to mostly kick it before this last bit started kicking him back.

Whenever he gets this sick, it is very unsettling for me.  I'm too used to him being the strong one around here.  Of course I can rise to the occasion to do everything that needs to be done.... but I very much prefer for him to be feeling good, and taking the lead in our life (I'm sure somewhere inside me, the fifteen year old feminist is screaming at me for that statement).

Poor guy needs to get better, and not just because I need him to.

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