March 16, 2007

~The Non-Routine Day~

This Wednesday Derrick took the day off of work, partially to finish getting well from a cold he's been fighting for a week, and partially to hang out with me since it feels like we haven't really just hung out for a long time. Our big plan was to have no plan at all, and for once that worked out quite well.

First we went to Sushi-Hana, one of Derrick's favorite restaurants, especially on their Thursday Dollar Day. I have only been there once, about three years ago. It was a pleasant suprise this time. I ate everything they brought except for the eel and the raw (but smoked) salmon.

After Sushi and a breif interlude at Rockin' Rudy's and Liquid Planet, we went to the treatment building to meet my parents and visit while Mom got her chemo. The doctor then decided to cancel it for a couple of weeks because she was on the verge of feeling sick again, and he didn't want a repeat of the last hospital stay from chemo overload. But her numbers keep going down,and today (Friday) she is looking alot better.

Since her treatment was cancelled, Mom and Dad headed back to Plains, and Derrick and I had more time on our hands. There were absolutely NO good movies showing, so we decided to go to the Missoula Art Museum, since we had never gone before. It was not quite what I expected. There was one exhibit that I sorta liked that was created by women from many different countries. The only rule they had to follow was that they had to use a box as their theme in one way or the other. Some of the artists were okay, because I at least had to stop and think "What the heck". One box I liked especially had a glamorous lady on the outside, and a whithered shell of a woman on the inside, portraying how us ladies like to look one way to the world while the drudging monotany of our everyday routines wear at who we really are. It is a depressing outlook for sure, but one I at least can look at and say...."Um, okay." Other boxes just irritated me. I hate it when artists try to shove their viewpoints down your throat with their "There is no box. I refuse to be part of representing the box that oppresses all womankid", WHILE they are still part of the exhibit. But still, I remembered their message, so I guess whoever the nut was that did that particular one is good at pushing a button, which from what I gathered while there, was what they wanted to do. By the way, NEVER touch the art. I briefly touched ONE of the exhibits, and I NEARLY gave the museum attendant an annurism! I hadn't had such a tongue lashing since I was in school. It was interestingly sort of fun... I'm so used to being the one who says "DON'T TOUCH, you see with your eyes, NOT your hands!". Anyways, I am thinking I may have to go back to the art museum and try to resist touching the exhibits again(and maybe bring the kids next time. )

A modest dinner at Jaker's ended our day our on the town. I, after all, had to help Derrin finish a project for school, and we needed to relieve Gramma from her day of watching kids. But it was a fun day and one worth blogging about.

March 12, 2007

Avacado Disappointment

That there are almost 300 calories in ONE LITTLE ITTY BITTY AVACADO?!? I did not realise this. When I was done working out on the elliptical machine today, it said I used 280 calories. Then I went home and ate a salad for lunch. With one avacado. SO disappointing!!!

Exercise+Avacado= Slight Irritation, but not enough to stop eatting the avacado during lunch while I read the avacado information (right after the ellipitical...) . Tomorrow.... only 1/2 avacado! After all, avacados are good for your heart... it compliments the exercise, just in a different way than I had planned.

On to other things... Sunday I turned 21... wait a minute, I believe that might be 31. I forgot all about it until my mom called to ask her yearly question,"Do you feel any older." Suprisingly, this year, the answer is "yes". But it is alright. I am happy. I am alive. I have people who love me and who I love back. Who could ask for more? At the same time, I am still relieved I do not celebrate birthdays!

And as for Monday, well you already know about the avacados. Only one scary fact like that PER Monday, so....

March 6, 2007


Here are the rules: Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged, list their names, and why you chose them. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' on their profile and tell them to read your latest blog.

1. I am obsessive about brushing my teeth. I have NO cavities though:-)

2. I also am obsessive about my feet. I keep them all loofahed, lotioned and polished all year round, even during boot weather.

3. I hate green beans. Not too interesting, but very true.

4. I have a serious coffee addiction. Unfortunately, coffee also starts to make me have scary heart palpatations after consuming too much of it for several months in a row. Therefore, I have to go off of coffee a couple months out of every year. This seems to make it possible to consume coffee symptom-free for the rest of the time. I am in a time-out right now (going on a month):-( Herbal tea is a good substitute however.

5. My Dad is from a familyof 14 kids and my Mom from a family of 6. Between all of the offspring from those families, I have hundreds of cousins.

6. I was the only girl in my class until 6th grade. The school I went to was in Paradise.

7. I have an interest in the numbers 3, 11, and 13. I was born 3-11-76 (and 7+6=13), I graduated in 94 (9+4=13), my mailing address as a kid was Box 113, I have 13 letters between my first and last name, and all of the houses I've lived in in Missoula were numbered either 3 or their numbers add up to 13... I know, you can make anything equal something if you look hard enough.

8. I LOVE black licorish. It's even better than chocolate.

9. I do not like most dogs. They are slobbery and jump on me. But if you have a dog and you are my friend, I will make every effort to adore your dog.

10. I am genetically unable to roll my tongue, and I am not double-jointed. There you go!

Hmmm. As far as tagging anyone else, most of the people I would have already been tagged or have done their list soooo.... I will just say if you are feeling creative and have some weird facts to share, go ahead!