March 6, 2007


Here are the rules: Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 5 people to be tagged, list their names, and why you chose them. Don't forget to leave a comment that says 'you are tagged' on their profile and tell them to read your latest blog.

1. I am obsessive about brushing my teeth. I have NO cavities though:-)

2. I also am obsessive about my feet. I keep them all loofahed, lotioned and polished all year round, even during boot weather.

3. I hate green beans. Not too interesting, but very true.

4. I have a serious coffee addiction. Unfortunately, coffee also starts to make me have scary heart palpatations after consuming too much of it for several months in a row. Therefore, I have to go off of coffee a couple months out of every year. This seems to make it possible to consume coffee symptom-free for the rest of the time. I am in a time-out right now (going on a month):-( Herbal tea is a good substitute however.

5. My Dad is from a familyof 14 kids and my Mom from a family of 6. Between all of the offspring from those families, I have hundreds of cousins.

6. I was the only girl in my class until 6th grade. The school I went to was in Paradise.

7. I have an interest in the numbers 3, 11, and 13. I was born 3-11-76 (and 7+6=13), I graduated in 94 (9+4=13), my mailing address as a kid was Box 113, I have 13 letters between my first and last name, and all of the houses I've lived in in Missoula were numbered either 3 or their numbers add up to 13... I know, you can make anything equal something if you look hard enough.

8. I LOVE black licorish. It's even better than chocolate.

9. I do not like most dogs. They are slobbery and jump on me. But if you have a dog and you are my friend, I will make every effort to adore your dog.

10. I am genetically unable to roll my tongue, and I am not double-jointed. There you go!

Hmmm. As far as tagging anyone else, most of the people I would have already been tagged or have done their list soooo.... I will just say if you are feeling creative and have some weird facts to share, go ahead!

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