May 10, 2007

A Little Inner Calm and Poise for Mizz Imperfection

So, yesterday I had just entered the gym . It was 6:15- much later than I usually go, and a different staff was working. One of them was Julie (very nice girl- I even voted her as my favorite staff), and the other one was Justin. Justin is a pretty nice guy. He is a chatty sort of person, and seems to know everyone who comes in. So yesterday I enter the building, drop the kids off at the daycare, and proceed onward, passing Julie and Justin. As is their habit, Julie first comments,"Wow, this is a lot later than you usually come in!", because we don't really know eachother that well and it seems like a nice safe thing to say. I ,as usual, mostly just smiled and muttered something unintelligible under my breath. Then Justin smiles and says,"Well, that is because it is MY shift *ah he he*". I know now he was joking. But I reverted to my top-form 8th grade stance by making my best scoffing noise (kinda like pssst) and looking Julie straight in the eye and saying , "Yeah, RIGHT", as only a person of my special social skills has mastered. I then walked on my merry way, confident I had handled the situation appropriately. As I entered the girl's locker room, it hit me that I had been... well... rude. It sorta crawled up my spine a little. Then it became a full-blown panic attack. I quickly changed into my exercise clothes and went to my eliptical machine back in the far corner. As I remembered my rudeness, I began to run a little harder on the machine. My stress-level kept me running frantically, moving up the intensity until I was a 9 (normally I am a firm 6 on the machine). I nearly collasped off of the machine after 30 minutes, but it said I had burned nearly as many calories in 30 minutes as I normally do in 40.

Why did I get so upset? I need to start controlling the voices in my head again.

Anyway, the moral of the story is, you have a crazy friend. But I'm nice and I smell good... and I can cook too. I could say more, but I have to fix dinner.

The End

ps... When I was leaving the building both Julie and Justin said were all chatty and nice again. All of that internal agony for nothing. Sheesh.

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