July 12, 2007

What is Up

i've been sorta non-communicative this week and i didn't even realize it until this morning i woke up and remembered i hadn't hardly returned any phone calls or emailed any of my buddies this week! i hurriedly made a phone call to my ma, and that sorta broke the ice. then i made a couple phone calls. then i paid all my bills (something else id been putting off)... now to turn my attention to more important things, (aka myspace:)

i did have a lovely time in kennewick. we went to a convention over there called "follow the christ"- it was three days of different discourses about various ways jesus modeled the best way of life. it was thought provoking- always good to have reminders since my brain doesnt retain information for very long. i was a little bummed because i didnt feel super good the whole time so i sorta sat in my chair like a lump and wasnt very sociable but my buds over there seemed to forgive me for my non-fun ways.

anyways, it is now thursday, and i am almost all done unpacking (we got back monday), and all of the travel laundry is now done. going anywhere with kids always ends with about twenty loads of laundry-not sure why. derrick is working in whitefish again this week (left tuesday morning), so the kids and i have had the house to ourselves.

we went to "lunch in the park" yesterday- they have it every wednesday during summer time at caras park. they bring about twenty food vendors from various restaurants down there, and there is always a band or two to listen to while you have your lunch. yesterday was awesome! the clumsy lovers played there the whole time and the kids loved it:) the band did their traditional handing out of the shakers (they toss out colorful pop cans with popcorn inside), only this time it was to all the little kids boogying down on the grass in front of the stage. watching the kids have such a great time was as fun as being able to listen to one of our favorite bands during lunchtime.

and today.... finishing laundry. maybe a little dusting? maybe i will find my way to the gym for the first time in over a week... who knows. it is a quiet summer day. my favorite kind.

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