September 8, 2008

Some Nuggets of Life

Since I haven't posted a blog for a long while, and I have a couple of minutes to kill this morning, I've decided to tell a little of what is going on in my life. I will also share a couple little nuggets of wisdom that I possess that I didn't just a few short weeks ago.

First for a nugget of truth: if you ever decide to wash your crocs (you know, the little colorful, elfin shoes you see on everyone these days), and you decide that washing them in the washing machine is the way to go, do NOT dry them in the dryer afterwards. I recently tried this maneuver on Derrin's blue crocs, and when they came out they literally could only fit a real elf. Too short for a seven year old's foot and yet far too wide for a two year old child's foot, I believe the only place these shoes would really belong is as a jaunty novelty item in my flower garden.

Now for something that is new in my life: both my children are in school now! For the first time in eight year I now have a lot of long periods of silence throughout my day. I know I should be more sentimental about my baby being old enough to be in kindergarden, BUT, the correct adjective for me is a juxteposition of both jubulant and mellow (in a good way). Things are running a little more smoothly for me, for instance, it is only 10:30 in the morning and my house is already clean and it will REMAIN that way until at least 3:20. That, my sisters, is celebration worthy. In my own defense, I have to say that Kloe was not one of those clingy little ones who couldn't bear to leave her mommy either. There was one brief moment on the first real day of school when I walked her into the playground to find the right line of kindergardeners to get into when I could tell we both were feeling some sad emotions. Just as I spotted her line, she hugged me fiercely and said,"Momma, I am going to MISS you today!!" I admit, I got a little choked up. I was about to say something reassuring back to her, when she saw her teacher. Before the words had even left my mouth, my baby girl had broke and run for me to her teacher and had assumed hugging her instead. She never even looked back! She got into the front of the line, all the while gazing adoringly at her teacher. I went up to her, made her hug me goodbye, and walked to the middle of the playground where I watched the line until they all disappeared into the school. I admit I was a little teary eyed. That lasted all until I got to my favorite little coffee shop where I ordered my favorite coffee without ANY shouting in the background about hot chocolate or muffins. Just the sweet smell of coffee, the sound of the radio, and my own thoughts to entertain. Jubilant and mellow.

Now for the second little nugget that I have learned: all the stuff I have been blaming on the kids for the last couple years, like "I can't work out until the kids are in school" or "the reason it takes me so long to clean the house and do the laundry is because of the constant distraction of the KIDS"... well, it turns out that is not so true. The kids have been in school for almost two weeks, and how many times have I gone to the gym? Nada, not even once! Tomorrow is the beginning day, I am just sure of it. And as for the house... well, yes, it is clean this morning. But my confession for that is that we are in the middle of trying to sell the house, and at 8:30 this morning our realator called me and said we are having people coming over to see the house at 10:30. I flew into high gear and got done what would have taken me most of the day normally because... turns out the real problem is that I am easily distracted if I don't have some heavy duty reason to get the job done in an expediant fashion. Not the kids fault at all.

Besides all of that, what has been going on in my life? You may want to know how my momma is doing. She is doing much better. We had another nasty experience with chemo this summer and she got really sick again, but things are definately on the upturn, which is a great relief:)

Also, I've been able to continue my photography, and hope to keep doing more with it. We have our new website up at, which I am really happy about. We have a bunch more pictures waiting to go into the gallery, which should happen soon- our programmer is a pretty busy guy so we have to wait for him to get a little bit of free time.

So, that is me in a nutshell right now. I miss all you guys, and hope to either see you or get to hear from you soon!!!

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