January 23, 2009

5 Questions

1. What is your favorite memory from childhood? A highlight for sure would be the day my mom bought me my cabbage patch doll. Man, I LOVED that doll- named her Georgina "Joe" and brought her to school with my every day for a least a couple years.

2. How did you get into photography & why do you like it so much? The first time I remember really wanting a camera I was probably around 4 years old. My brother Danny bought me a really cool toy one, but it couldn't take real pictures and that was disappointing. I remember borrowing cameras and setting up a "studio" in our upstairs hallway and doing the lighting with lamps, flashlights, and any other lightsource we could find- Heidi, Shaun and I would take turns taking pics and being the models. I was a compulsive picture taker. When Derrick and I got married, I inherited his 35mm Canon and I fell in love with it as well and started doing senior portraits of any and all 18 year olds I knew, then somehow weddings got thrown into the mix... It all seemed to happen pretty naturally.

3. If you could only save 3 things in a house fire, what would they be? No need to list your family because they are already safe. Ok... Well, of course I would save all of my photo albums (all of the files on my computer are safely backed up on a hard drive in our fire safe), and I would save our cat Anikan... and if I could use my super powers I would save my kitchen table.

4. Where would you most like to go on vacation? I YEARN to go to Europe with Derrick with nothing but backpacks and a train pass. We would meander across Italy and Greece and maybe switch gears with Scotland and Ireland.

5. What's a question you hate being asked? I hate commands posed as questions such as: Are you sure you really want to eat that? meaning "don't eat that" (an old boyfriend asked me that once when I ordered an ice cream cone at dairy queen once and it was a deal breaker for me)

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