August 23, 2010


Last June, the oncologist here in Missoula found a spot on Mom's liver which he said either may or may not be cancer.  Because she is unable to take chemo, and therefore he finds it pointless to be informed about what is going on in her body, he didn't want to do testing to find out for sure.  Turns out it is cancer, only now instead of a little spot, it is the size of a tangerine.  It is causing her a lot of pain, and making her feel sick to her stomach.  She had another appointment with the same oncologist today, which we all discouraged her to going to based on the face that he is a Hope Vampire,  but she went to anyways.  He gave her the brilliant option of taking 5-FU via pill form.  Idiot.  5-FU has been tried by TWO other oncologists with Mom, nearly killing her both times within a week of taking it.  If he ever bothered to look at her chart he would realize that she is missing and enzyme (DPD) needed to use 5-FU and not DIE.  Argh.....

We have another appointment set up with a Dr. in Kalispell on Wednesday- he is supposed to be willing to work with people who are not tolerant of chemo.  We also ordered a RIFE machine which is supposed to help break up tumors.  SO, there is still hope- this fight is not over.

August 18, 2010

dragonfly & flower

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

August 17, 2010

Best Fight Ever

Derrick and I had the weirdest fight yesterday. We had both just gotten home from work, and we were both tired and cranky. I thought HE should make dinner since I had been the one to stop at the store on my way home from work, and I had worked a longer and later shift than usual. He felt the I should be the one to make dinner, since he had taken care of the kids all day, as well as done his job at the office, and he felt like his day had been far harder than mine.

I made dinner, but I didn't LIKE making it. It wasn't even a big deal, it was an easy meal. I think we just were irritated at the principle of the thing. We didn't talk again for the rest of the night.

The funny thing is that he started to wash laundry right after dinner. He also cleaned the kitchen. Now you might think, "Hey, what a nice gesture!!!", but I could tell he was trying to prove a point, and that point is that he does EVERYTHING and gets no respect. SO, I went to the master bathroom, took a long bath, and read a book. I was NOT going to cave in and feel guilty!!!! NO! How many times have I worked AND watched kids AND got groceries AND made dinner AND cleaned up the kitchen AND done laundry. THOUSANDS. Not gonna feel guilty. And yet... I got out of the bath and proceeded to clean the bathroom. Then I cleaned the bedroom.

As soon as he came to bed we snuggled up and the fight was over without a word. This morning we woke up to a clean house and a lot of clean laundry, and no resolution of who actually DOES do the most around here. Best Fight Ever.

August 12, 2010

While the kids are gone...

My plan this morning involved cleaning the carpets in both the kids' rooms since they would have time to dry before the kids got home on Sunday. I went into Kloe's room and discovered that somehow in the 12 hours between when it was last cleaned and we left (most of which were spent sleeping), somehow a rock bomb went off in there. Seriously, there is rubble everywhere. What can I say? My girl loves rocks passionately- she has hundreds in her room, stored away in boxes in her closet, and sometimes she sets them free. Another thing she is passionate about are her lizards. The other day she was showing me a big size tic-tac container filled with white flaky stuff. Turns out she saves her lizards skin when they shed. Yeah, a little... um, eccentric? I asked her why she wanted to save the skins, and she said "to remember them!" I guess it isn't any weirder than saving your baby's first hair cut, right? :)
So, tomorrow includes cleaning up the rubble, and getting the kid's rooms mom-clean before they get back.

August 11, 2010

Driving With Kids

I just got back from Spokane from driving the kids to meet their aunt Tia. They get to go hang out in Seattle for the rest of the week with her and Uncle David. Needless to say, the kids were pleased with this situation.

On the drive to Spokane,it was just the kids and I. I began feel a bit irritated that a seemingly obvious features have not been offered to the general car-buying public.

Of course, what I'm talking about, is a sound proof window between the front seat and the back (with the option of either being opened or closed). Included with this, a speaker system so you could still hear your children in the back seat, but have VOLUME CONTROL.

I'd also submit as options, that a second window (and a third, depending on how many children you have) divide the back seat so that each child has their own private section of seat where no one can ever touch them (and when I say "no one", I of course mean the sibling who is has acquired the impressive skill of making his sister react mightily with the mere SUGGESTION that he COULD put a toe or finger on her side of the car, if he so chooses this dark path). When needed, the windows between children will have the option of becoming non-transparent, so no one will ever be able to exclaim "He's looking at me again MOMMMMM!!! (The volume control will also be beneficial in this situation).

I submit that some of the benefits to including this option to any car package would be:

- Fewer wrecks from parents checking in their rear view mirror covertly to see who really IS the kid who crossed the invisible line into the other kid's section first.

- Fewer wrecks from parents daring a quick, but deadly, glance into the back seat as a warning that your mother looking at you with that twitching eyeball is a lot more disturbing than your sibling looking at you.

-A bonus plus to the sectioned off back seat is that anyone choosing to emit noxious fumes would be the only one to suffer from that particular choice. Fumes= watery eyes and gagging, which produce an unsafe driving environment.

One more suggestion for this back seat: They will be made out of rubber, with no seams where food, crayons, or any other kid goo can get lodged. At the end of a trip a car can simply be hosed down and wiped off.

Now I know these are not new ideas. In fact, they are probably part of a collective dream of parents everywhere. The thing about this dream, is that it's the DREAM ITSELF that causes me to smile a little more easily as I drive down the road with kid chaos in the backseat. I know someday the real memories will be the conversations, and the times we've spent together as we've driven down the road. The chaos and my reaction to it will be the stuff of our family stories. So, I guess in reality, all I need for now is just the dream to get me through the louder moments in the car with my kids:) Time will take care of the rest.