August 23, 2010


Last June, the oncologist here in Missoula found a spot on Mom's liver which he said either may or may not be cancer.  Because she is unable to take chemo, and therefore he finds it pointless to be informed about what is going on in her body, he didn't want to do testing to find out for sure.  Turns out it is cancer, only now instead of a little spot, it is the size of a tangerine.  It is causing her a lot of pain, and making her feel sick to her stomach.  She had another appointment with the same oncologist today, which we all discouraged her to going to based on the face that he is a Hope Vampire,  but she went to anyways.  He gave her the brilliant option of taking 5-FU via pill form.  Idiot.  5-FU has been tried by TWO other oncologists with Mom, nearly killing her both times within a week of taking it.  If he ever bothered to look at her chart he would realize that she is missing and enzyme (DPD) needed to use 5-FU and not DIE.  Argh.....

We have another appointment set up with a Dr. in Kalispell on Wednesday- he is supposed to be willing to work with people who are not tolerant of chemo.  We also ordered a RIFE machine which is supposed to help break up tumors.  SO, there is still hope- this fight is not over.


Tara said...

I feel for you my dear little Rachel. Will keep you and your family in my prayers. My dad has been going through a nightmare this past week as well, so I understand the constant emotional roller coaster that is cancer. Love you much!

~From Paradise~ said...

I'll keep you and your fam in my prayers too. Cancer sucks!!! :( Love you!