August 17, 2010

Best Fight Ever

Derrick and I had the weirdest fight yesterday. We had both just gotten home from work, and we were both tired and cranky. I thought HE should make dinner since I had been the one to stop at the store on my way home from work, and I had worked a longer and later shift than usual. He felt the I should be the one to make dinner, since he had taken care of the kids all day, as well as done his job at the office, and he felt like his day had been far harder than mine.

I made dinner, but I didn't LIKE making it. It wasn't even a big deal, it was an easy meal. I think we just were irritated at the principle of the thing. We didn't talk again for the rest of the night.

The funny thing is that he started to wash laundry right after dinner. He also cleaned the kitchen. Now you might think, "Hey, what a nice gesture!!!", but I could tell he was trying to prove a point, and that point is that he does EVERYTHING and gets no respect. SO, I went to the master bathroom, took a long bath, and read a book. I was NOT going to cave in and feel guilty!!!! NO! How many times have I worked AND watched kids AND got groceries AND made dinner AND cleaned up the kitchen AND done laundry. THOUSANDS. Not gonna feel guilty. And yet... I got out of the bath and proceeded to clean the bathroom. Then I cleaned the bedroom.

As soon as he came to bed we snuggled up and the fight was over without a word. This morning we woke up to a clean house and a lot of clean laundry, and no resolution of who actually DOES do the most around here. Best Fight Ever.


Tara said...

Hee hee. : ) I'm glad someone else has those fights too! ;0 )

~From Paradise~ said...

You too aye?:) Now if only all fights ended with a clean house (literally).