September 20, 2010

No Hugging

Yesterday was the special assembly day here in Missoula.  It was great to see everyone, and the talks were just wonderful.  But Mom wasn't able to come.  I knew I was sad, but I was still just happy to be there.  You know how you can sorta just put the bad to the back of your mind, or at least bury it under a couple of layers of skin?  I didn't bury it far enough though.  Everyone kept asking how she was, where she was... and finally when one of my cousins gave me a hug and started crying, I was done.  Sobbing, the kind where your whole body shakes.  After that it just felt so close to the surface- I felt like if anyone so much as touched me too kindly I was going to lose it. Actually I lost it a couple more times anyways.  Public displays of emotion are so NOT ME!!! Or they weren't me.  I have a feeling they are going to BE me for awhile now.

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