February 2, 2011

Decisions Decisions....

“Whatever you don’t like, change.  It’s the beauty of being human.  We get to change our minds.  We get to choose again.  And we know how to laugh.”- Lois Levy

"For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else."- Ralph Waldo Emerson 

"Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts."  Arnold Bennett

"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude." Maya Angelou

"We can change our lives.  We can do, have and be exactly what we wish." Tony Robbins

Change is scary for me (and probably for most people).  Sometimes you have no say in the matter; life changes completely without your permission.  Other times there is choice involved.  The thing is, it can be hard to decide when you need to change things.  It's hard to tell if that little nagging voice in the back of your head needs to be heeded or hushed up.  I have a hard time letting myself quit, whether it's a project, a relationship, a job, or anything I've been giving my attention to.  It isn't so much stubbornness, as a general distrust of my own feelings.  Am I just tired of whatever I'm thinking of quitting?  Am I going to regret my choice when a little bit of time has passed?  Am I being lazy?  Do my feelings of wanting to quit have any validity?

What I know is that we are all the creators of our own reality.  Right now my reality does not feel like what I want to choose.  I want to have a positive attitude and really I am doing okay in that department, all things considered.  But I feel like I need to change some things.  Anyways, I am planning on taking action and setting some of those changes in motion.  Nothing immediate... just setting the groundwork for later.  As long as I can see things changing in the future, I can make it through the days feeling more in control.

  • To spend the kid's summer vacation with them- spend more time playing.
  • To be able to spend more time with my sister, dad, steph, tara and david, friends, and to have  the freedom to do so.
  • To be able to spend more time camping and making memories with my husband and family.  
  • To be able to be at home on days when I can not deal with people and I'm feeling too fragile.
  • Easier to schedule service.
  • Easier to schedule running
  • Tired of dealing with cranky people (of the grown-up variety)
  • More time to pursue photography, art and making jewelry, and writing.

  • Will need to find another way to make money, or make due with less- although this may interfere any of the fun stuff that requires money.
  • Won't be forced to deal with people as much (which is actually a good thing for me).
  • Will need to force myself to be scheduled without being on someone else's schedule.
  • The chances of finding a place to work where I like the people (fellow employees anyways), where they are so kind about my schedule, and where they pay as decently, are pretty slim.


Anonymous said...

I stole your Maya Angelou quote & put it on FB. I love those quotes. Change is really hard, especially big changes that affect others. I totally get it. I hope you find what makes you happy & what is best for you & your family.


~From Paradise~ said...

thanks melissa. i like reading quotes too. pretty much whenever i'm struggling with something, i check out quotes to remind myself that struggling is just part of the human condition, and that i'm not the first or last person to have to figure it out.