February 8, 2011

T. Falls

Last night I had a dream about Mom.  She was showing me how to use her new washer and dryer, and it felt so real.  I could hear her, smell her, and feel her touching my shoulder.  It was so good to hear her voice.  I wish that I had saved all of the voice messages she ever left for me so I could at least have that.  I took so many pictures of her, especially in those four years that we knew she had cancer.  I know someday those pictures are going to be nice to look at, but right now they are a little too bitter for me.  I wish I would have taken videos and recorded her voice- something to capture who she really was.

This last weekend was great.  We stayed at Renae's and everyone came over for the day.  We played scrabble and hand n foot (not to brag, but I totally won*hehe*) and then Renae made some of her fabulous lasagna.  Dad came down to spend the day with us, and he also came down the next day for our super bowl party.  We went to meeting on Sunday and got to see our friends there (hi Amy!).  Love going to T.Falls- it's like a giant hug for me.

Super Bowlies

Our game of Hand n Foot was WAY more exciting.

Self Portrait of EmWha during a superbowl game
(I took some of the other card players, but I'm thinkin'
they might not appreciate them on the internet...)

I hear the Packers won.


Tara said...

I sooo know what you mean about those dreams. I have had a couple of those, too. I think they are almost worse than the reality because when you wake up it's like you lose them all over again. Looking forward to the time when we will see them again and NOT wake up to find out it was only a dream! Hang in there, sis - we shall endure!

Hand and foot - so wish I was there! I think I'm going to have to hang out with your people to get my game-playing instincts fulfilled!



Anonymous said...

I totally agree. A picture is worth a thousand words, but being able to see a person moving, laughing & talking...their mannerisms...is more special after they are gone. I think it is really special that you had that dream so you could feel her again. That is amazing. Hold onto that feeling a little while.

You didn't watch the game? I am getting much more into football since I married Jonah. Glad you had fun with the card games. I love your last sentence. :)
