July 17, 2011

Summertime, Summasummasummatime

It's Sunday afternoon.  Super sunny outside, bEE-U-Tiful at the moment.  But it's hot, so I'm in here typing away on a computer instead.  Sometime mid-winter, I will read the beginning of this post and slap myself pretty hard.

We just got home from our Sunday meeting and lunch at Fiesta En Jalisco.  The kids are playing Mario.  I'm gonna kick 'em outside here in a minute.  As soon as I get off of this computer.  Don't want to be a hypocrite, after all.

Tomorrow is supposed to be pushing 100 degrees.  A bunch of my fellow Moms and I are taking the kiddos to the waterslide park.  It's going to be my first all day excursion in a swimming suit of the summer- must remember to baste the kids and myself with sunscreen.

Derrick took the kids in service yesterday and then to the waterpark.  He's such a good dad.  I was ill with stomach and headache issues.  It required gluing myself to the couch for most of the day.  A day which was also blissfully quiet, thanks to my husband.  I slept most of the day, and now feel better than I did most of last week.  At first I felt like it was a wasted summer day, but now it is a pleasant memory of silence.

I got rid of the trusty Blackberry last Wednesday, and got a plain ol' cell phone with no data package.  I am going through some SERIOUS Internet withdrawals.  It's much more disconcerting to not be hooked up to all of my email and social network accounts than I expected. 
My sis and her family are all gone to Canada for the next couple of weeks.  They go there every summer to work unassigned territories in super remote areas in their ministry.  They took their boat up and are going through difficult to reach islands.  My brain will not let me access the name of the islands at this time, but the pictures I saw were beautiful.  I haven't talked to her since Wednesday- feels weird; we usually talk every day...

Well, better go be productive-er.  Do laundry or some such nonsense. 

Before I go, here is a link to my favorite comedian Maria Bamford.  (Just for fun) 


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