January 21, 2012

A Snowball Fight, and the Rise and Fall of a Snowman

Documentation of a snowball fight in progress.

On one side DERRICK, looking confident.

On the other side, Cameron and Derrin, NOT AFRAID!

Getting some giant snowballs ready.

One girl down.

Derrick takes a shot.

Girl still down.

"Is that all you got??"

Bigger ammunition.

he laughs then...

...he hurls a massive snowball.

Riley waits patiently, and packs a snowball for dangerous impact.



Time to change directions.... how about a snowman?

the snowman building team!

Posing with the snowman.

...more posing....

...and more...

...then climbing the snowman....

...and more...

...more climbing...

Perching on the snowman.

and more perching.

The snowman then felt a strange apprehension decend....


And then....

destruction of snowman.

more climbing.

one last hug...

and climb then....

time to push it over.

and mush it back into the ground.

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