March 23, 2012

~Spring Running, a Little Chewing Gum, Pre-Hunger Game Excitement, and Puppy Pain~

It's been quite awhile since I've written anything in here, so I thought I'd stop in and pay my little ol' blog a visit. (I ramble on a bit about running in the beginning, so feel free to skip down to the New Subject line if you so choose ;)

Since it is officially Spring Time, my thoughts have turned in a major way to getting back out there and getting back into a steady running routine again.  I pushed it a little too hard (I ran my usual 6.2 distance after a couple months of practically no running) and after a little fancy googling, I self diagnosed myself as having peroneal insertional tendonitis, because I had lots of pain along the side of my right foot and up my right ankle.  I decided to lay off the running for a little while, so I wouldn't cause further damage and ruin any Spring Time running.

Mine are all black. So cute<3

Besides pushing too hard too fast, my shoes were also in pretty bad condition, with the tread being completely gone on both outer edges.  The tread wore out exactly the same on my last pair of running shoes, so after doing a little research (again, thanks internet), I decided to try out merrell barefoot running shoes.  The theory behind these shoes is that they reduce heel strike running, and force a mid-foot strike instead.  You actually start to use different muscles as you begin to run in these shoes.  I've had more hip pain in the last six months of running (sound like I'm ancient here, huh?), and between that and the new foot/ankle pain, I was ready to try something different.

I've worn my new shoes to the last couple weeks of my body pump class, and they were very comfortable except for during squats, as they make me feel like I could very easily tip over backwards.  I think this is just because I'm used to regular running shoes that have more of a heel boost.  It's just a matter of getting used to a new shoe design.

I took my shoes out for my first post injury run last Sunday.  I made it an especially easy run both because my ankle still was a little sore, and my new running shoes actually come with a warning label to start it off easy because of all of the new muscles they force to use.  I thought I went very easy- I walked about two miles and then ran about two miles.  Apparently, it was still too much.  My calves were on FIRE for at least three days after that run.  I moved around like a 100 year old, especially the first few steps out of bed in the morning.  Even barely touching my calves could make me wail in pain (to Derrick's twisted delight).  My foot and ankle felt alright though, so I'm pretty sure the new pain is completely due to the new shoes.  I haven't got out there again since, so I'm aiming for this Sunday again.  I'd like to really hit the new running schedule hard next week.  Must commit.

One thing I was thinking about the last time I ran is that my thinking process during the run has changed a bit over the last year.  The two years I ran while my mom was sick and after she died, I had a lot of thoughts about life in general.  That was one of the main things I loved about running; all of the stress I had about her sickness in general became transformed into more peaceful and philosophical thoughts about the nature of life and death, pain and endurance.  I needed that time to process that difficult time I was going through. Now that I've had time to process and find some peace about the whole thing, I find that my mind isn't automatically going to that place of finding inner calm, probably because I feel more balanced with life in general.  I may need to push harder to find that place, because I still want to go there.  It is, after all, one of the main reasons I find the time to get my butt out there on that road.

New Subject:  My friend Melissa has started vlogging (video blogging) on her blog.  It's really fun getting to hear her voice and see her talking after so many years of having an online friendship.  In one of her vlogs, she shows everything that is in her purse.  I think that is such a fun idea.  I'd like to do a vlog about that, but it would be pretty embarrassing, as what I mostly keep in my purse is hundreds of gum wrappers (and now cough drops).  I eat a LOT of gum (and yes, I do mean "eat").  I have entire relationships based on how much gum I consume, and I'm mainly referring to the nerdy guy who works at the Sinclair close to where I work.  He's big time into conspiracy theory's and has a lot of opinions on the sweeteners they put into the gum I frequently buy from him.  Anyways, I may try for a vlog soon.

We (Derrin and I) are going to the Hunger Games this weekend.  We are both SO EXCITED.  I devoured the series on his suggestion, and so far the movies have received great reviews.  :)   

I started 108 seedlings this week in celebration of spring.  This year I invested in grow lights, and I have my whole pre-garden operation set up out in the garage.  I was amazed that I had little plants popping up after only one day under the lights!  I have high hopes for my little baby plants this year, even if past experience tells me that I will eventually inadvertently kill them all, and have to buy plants from a nursery yet again.   This is MY year.  These plants will LIVE!!!!!!

In other news...  Kloe girl is doing good these days.  Happy kid that she is:)  Derrick is good too- super busy (he's pioneering this month, and has a full work load), but good.  My in-laws are on their way to Mexico as I write this- somewhere in California at the moment.  They are moving to.... aw Cusmon (I'm sure I spelled that wrong), and although I'm sad to see them go, I'm happy they get to go on a new adventure.  And I'm happy to have a new play to visit:) 

Jessy went into heat for the first time ever yesterday.  Poor little puppy has to wear doggy diapers when she is in the house and she HATES them.  Yesterday was the worst day of her life, and if she could talk she would tell you ALL about it.  We don't want her to have puppies, so hopefully we can have her spayed soon and she won't ever have to go through this again.

And with that, I say Goodbye.


bigskygirls said...

So many things to say! Where to start? On running...I really want a gym membership or a treadmill to start back into a running routine. I don't think running on pavement all the time is good for my shins. I get shin splints too easily. I also want to create my own Nike running shoes at ! I just think it's too cool. But let me know if your shoes get any better. I've heard about those & wondered if they were comfortable. I hope you can find your peaceful place as well. What a great motivation to hit the pavement. About vlogging...please do it! I would love to see what's in your purse even if it's just gum wrappers. I think that could tell a lot about a person. lol! I watch this one girl's beauty vlog & she recently struck up a "relationship" with her postman & then he changed routes so she doesn't know what that means...haha! It is too funny hearing her talk about it & your relationship with the conspiracy theorist reminded me of it. I'm curious what you're growing under your lights. I think I'm going to do a minimalist garden this year. We get so many weeds, I hardly have time to tend to my plants. Poor Jessy. We need to get Dora spayed too before she goes into heat again. It's messy business. Can't wait for your next post! I have another idea for a vlog. If I have time, I'll try to get it done this weekend. Hugs, Melissa

~From Paradise~ said...

Hey Melissa!
So far, I am liking my new shoes. They are pretty comfy, although my legs tend to get achy even from daily walking and workouts. I'm wondering what this Sundays run will bring. I'll let you know in about a month if it gets better!

As far as what I'm growing so far: lots of cherry tomatoe plants (like 12. what in the world am i going to do with 12 cherry tomatoe plants?), some big tomatoes, butternut squash (made SURE not to plant butterCUP squash again! You won't catch me doing that for a third time!), birdhouse gourd plants (my friend deana introduced me to them- the gourd hollows out, you put a hole in the side, paint if you want and WALLA! a new birdhouse!) actually LOTS of those. My house is going to be buried in birdhouses if these plants make it. Cucumbers, peas.... lots of different flowers. I went a little nuts on the seeds, but I am SOOOO excited for summer to be here. I totally get minimalist gardening though- it can get pretty overwhelming when you get too much out there. I pretty much become a minimalist gardener every year after killing my plants with love:) haha

I read that you are thinking about spaying Dora. Aren't they pitiful little critters when in heat? I've never experienced this before!
Love your vlog woman! I am very inspired to jump on that train soon! I will try not to clean up my purse first! haha
Hugs Back,

bigskygirls said...

Ah! I've gotta try a couple birdhouse gourd plants. I love that idea!