April 8, 2012

Sunday Suds

I finally made the laundry soap from the recipe I found here a couple weeks ago.  The soap is super inexpensive (compared with regular laundry soap), and easy to make!!  For anyone interested, these are the things you'll need to gather to make the soap:

*1 bar of soap (any kind you want)
*1 cup of Borax
*1 cup of washing soda
*a big pot ( that holds more than 2 gallons)
*a grater
*a funnel
*a long spoon
*2 empty gallon jugs/containers

These are the three ingrediants.  You grate the bar of soap into
a large pan, add one gallon of water and melt the soap.  Once the soap is
melted, you add one cup of the washing soda and borax each, and
then bring to a boil.  Add one gallon of cool water, and then use a funnel
to pour into your 2 gallon jugs.

Grating the soap.
Soap is super easy to grate- it took less than five minutes.

Beautiful grated lavender soap.

The soap melted in about 10 minutes.

2 Gallons of Homemade Soap:)
One a different topic, I have managed to keep all of my little seedlings alive so far!  I'm wondering if I started them too early, as I'm sure I won't be planting anything outside for at least another seven weeks.  Hopefully, they will hang in there until then, and be big and strong and ready to produce tons of veges when the time comes.
Cucumber plants

Under grow lights- close up of butternut squash and tomato plants.

In the garage, under grow lights.  Everything is going well so far.

Tomato plants in the window.

Jessy, looking reproachfully at me while I make my soap, wanting some outside and playing time.

Fish pond in my kitchen.  Needed to take a pic, because I finally did some maintenance, and it looks nice again:)

Fish pond
Derrick folding laundry.  Because what wife's heart isn't melted a lot by seeing this?  :)


Tara said...

You made the soap! I'm so excited! I was going to ask you about that - see if you wanted to do it on the same weekend (and pretend we were doing it together). I can't wait to try it. Everything else looks great - especially Derrick doing the laundry - haha! :)

~From Paradise~ said...

Aw, that would have been fun to make soap together (via imagination or during a phone call)! :) hehe- I love how your brain works!
I like the soap a lot- we used it for all our laundry this weekend and it did a great job.
And seriously, my husband folding laundry pulls some serious heart strings for me! <3

Tara said...

It just brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it? :)

BTW, your floors are beautiful. :) I love the picture of Annikan outside the front door. It looks ominous - like there will be trouble if somebody doesn't let him in!

~From Paradise~ said...

Haha- he does look like a complete villain out there. I have to laugh every time I see that silhouette:) His power of evil would primarily be revenge vomiting at will, but he is also sufficient at waking us up at three in the morning with obnoxious meowing- pretty sure his plan is to kill us slowly with nausea and sleep deprivation:)

~From Paradise~ said...

Also, thanks about the new floors!! :)))