June 14, 2012

Summer Has Arrived

We had a great time at the district convention last weekend. It was more stressful actually GETTING there because it was so much earlier in the summer than usual (meaning the kids weren't out of school yet, and I had less time to gather needed items), but once we were there it was good. Well, after discovering all of Derrin's suits had been left at home, taking ten minutes to hyperventilate, and then resolving the issue with some clothes Derrick found at Walmart (he found clothes the right size AND 50% off, whatta guy!), THEN everything was all good:) 
The assembly itself was AWESOME. Every single talk had something so needed in it, and the drama was great. It's going to be hard to not talk about it with my family (they aren't going until the middle of August).
The kids had a great time at the swimming pool there (of course). There were quite a few from our hall who stayed there too, so there were lots of kids to play with. The parents all tried to be troopers in the chlorine chaos, but there was a lot of internal rocking in the corner of the mind (well for me anyways) to deal with the huge amount of people crammed in there. Kids don't care about that stuff though- they were just thrilled there was a pool and even more thrilled that there were water slides (I know, fancy).

 We went to the Lewis and Clark Taverns with some of the other families on Monday.

  It was a lot better than I expected. Derrin and Kloe seemed to really enjoy it, although Kloe was very concerned about the dangers of traipsing through caves with BATS everywhere. She asked our tour guide quite a few questions about her bat concerns, and although was happy to learn that bats can't give you pneumonia (not sure where she heard that), she was less happy to learn that they CAN infect you with rabies if they bite you. But, after seeing several of the little brown bats clinging harmlessly to the walls, she relaxed and had a good time.


And now summer is really here. It is beautiful out there for the first time in quite a few days, and we are enjoying the sunshine. Hopefully, the sun decides to stick around for awhile!! The kids are going to hang out with Steph and Aiyana this weekend, and they are super excited about that. And after that... well, just lots of summer stuff. I am sure I will be writing about some of it:)

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