July 9, 2013

Busy Busy Busy

I keep meaning to post something in here, but it seems to keep getting pushed off of the list.  There are many things I have on this "list", such as returning emails (in an embarrassingly late fashion)and developing pictures of the kids I took over a month ago and sending them out (also embarrassingly late).  I know there are more things on this "list", but I my brain isn't going to reveal them again to me until the usual 3 a.m. time slot.  I do know I have a constant dull nagging trying to get me to clean this house, as in the REAL clean instead of this surface clean I have perfected.  Let's just call it "summer clean" in here right now.  I have way more important and fun things to do that toil around in here, creating instantly destroyed perfection and missing out on the three months of sun granted to me in the mean time.

We've been really busy so far this summer, and it looks like it is going to stay that way.  We've spent a lot of time in the water, in classic summer fashion.  We went up to Lake Mary Ronan and spent the day with Dad and Renae a couple of weeks ago.  We rented paddle boards (sooo fun!), and took our canoe and Dad's little fishing boat out on the lake for some late afternoon fishing.  We were hoping for Kokanee Salmon but they weren't biting that day.  We did catch a bucket of perch, so it was still a fun time.  So far that has been one of my favorite days.  We went horseback riding the next day, which was also very fun.  We were so wiped out by the end of it that we all took three hours naps; most satisfying.

The kids seem to be having a good summer (?).  I compare all the stuff we do as a family to my childhood and I wish I could zap my memories into their heads so they could see just how unboring it really is around here... *sigh*  Not that there was anything wrong with how I spent my summers as a kid, but we rarely ever left Paradise to go camping or travel or anything else.  My days were spent riding my bike all over town, fishing in the pond behind the town, and exploring the river and mountains- mostly by myself.

I know that sounds pretty great to Derrin.  He is 12 going on 13, and this summer I can tell he is starting to get bummed that he isn't allowed to go very many places by himself.  I feel like we try to counter that by doing lots of fun stuff with both of the kids.  He gets to go more places and do more things than I ever did, it's just that he has his parents with him most of the time.  What a big bummer.  This growing up thing is going to be hard on us both.  Just the thought of him riding his bike to the store by himself makes me have heart palpitations.  Visions of the bad drivers sharing the road dance across my head, convincing me that letting him go anywhere by himself will mean sure and imminent death.

The truth is, I do trust him.  He is a smart kid, and totally capable of taking care of himself.  I just don't trust the rest of the world. I am going to have to eventually let him start venturing out by himself alone... but let's not let it be this summer.

They've both had friends over, and also spent the night at their friends houses.  I think that helps more than anything.  Both of the kids are just so social, they start wilting after too many days of not seeing their friends- especially Derrin.  Oh-well.  We will do what we can do. I know I am having a great summer so far, and all of the pictures I've been taking will prove to my grown up children that I was a rockin' parent.  Haha:)

And without further rambling, here are a few snapshots of our summer so far:
I wish it was always and forever like this out there.  July is already burning up the hills.


My three babies

Our rhododendron bush while it was still blooming and beautiful.

Derrins OBSESSION... photo taken by and for... Derrin (a random citizen's car)

Riding the carousel with our friends :)

Feeding the ducks during a service break.

Daddy-o, enjoying the shade

Rainy giving it a try

Derrin and Derrick paddle boarding

Some of my flower gardens this summer

Kloe's new disclaimer and greeting for her bedroom... enter at your own risk!!

Our horseback riding day.

Silly horses

Sabrina took me to a Bare Naked Ladies Concert!!!

We were up front and center- he even looked  at little ol' me (well my camera anyways) while I snapped a shot

Shannon, Kloe and I hiked clear to the top and over the M- pretty intense hike.  Kloe said it's the last time, but maybe  next year we will give it another try?

Indian Paintbrush... taken on a family drive into the woods last weekend.

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