July 22, 2013

First Family Backpacking Trip into the Wild

Derrick and I took the kids on our first ever family backpacking trip into the wilderness this last weekend.  

We went up to Little Rock Creek Lake instead of Canyon Lake (both in the Bitterroot National Forrest), because it was supposed to be an easier hike, and our overall goal had more to do with getting the kids hooked into backpacking (so they'd be excited to go again next time) than doing the actual hike itself.  We invited the another family to join us (Nicole, Travis, Alaina and Luke- I don't use last names in here...), got our gear together (I bought Kloe an Osprey backpack second hand for TEN BUCKS, scrubbed it up and now it's good as new.  Derrin used a backpack I bought at a rummage sale years ago for about ten bucks too.  Thrifty backpacking: it is the way to go), woke up early Friday morning and headed out.  

The kids were very excited- Kloe woke up before any of us (around 5:30), and was practically bouncing with glee out the door.  We were on the trail around 8:00, trying to beat the heat.  Somehow Derrick and I were left behind while everyone raced ahead, but we have a solid policy of slow and steady.  Pacing oneself is the name of the game in backpacking.  

So... the hike went on a bit longer than some of us anticipated.  

My dearest Kloe (if you ever read this as an adult), I hope that you have some fond memories of it (?).  I realize there were some tears, but didn't you learn some great lessons like... well, what it is to hit that wall and have to push through it?  You are (were?) one tough little kid.  You may have cried when you were overwhelmed by the length and the intensity of the trail, but you pushed through it every single time.  I am proud of you.

My dearest Derrin, you were a trooper.  I think you may have found one of your new favorite things this weekend.

Some highlights from our trip (for me) included:   *The day hike we did the next day.  We trekked 3.5 miles further in, and despite the horseflies we (well, I) enjoyed seeing the wild beauty back there. *Travis told fun campfire stories (about the "Miner 49-er", which Kloe especially loved.  *Kloe says here favorite part was climbing all of the rocks.  *Derrin says his favorite part was catching six cut throat trout in a half hour.  *It was fun spending time with our friends.  A lot of bonding can occur on a hike like this one.  *We picked lots of huckleberries!  A new picking spot has been found...

All in all, we hiked 17 miles and gained 3000 ft. in elevation this weekend.

We were so tired when we finally made it back to our truck on Sunday.  After collapsing in exhaustion and cheering in celebration that we could finally stop moving, we drove into town and ordered burgers and whatever other fatty deliciousness we wanted.  It was pure bliss to just sit there and eat.  Going home and walking through our doors was heavenly.

We might go on one more backpacking trip this summer, but if it happens we will make sure it will only be a couple of miles in- and the next day there will be no extra day hiking.  

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