January 17, 2007

Day 3 and a half from Mexico

I am sitting here at the internet cafe, on Wednesday at about 11:00 in the morning. I am waiting for Dustin and Jasa to finish their dash to the fax machine, where they are attempting to get a birth certificate expedited from Texas to Seattle to David and Tara´s address so that they can bring it with them on Thursday when they fly in. Turns out a birth certificate is necessary to be married here, and they didn´t know it. But it looks like everything is almost under control. So, come Saturday, hopefully all their ducks will be in a row, and we will have a wedding on the beach to attend in our bare feet before we all jump back into the ocean!

Everything down here has been beautiful, all playing in the ocean and good food. I am fighting the urge to have a nervous breakdown however, because my mom has an infection from the chemo, and is back in the hospital, and I haven´t even been able to get ahold of her yet because we have no cell phone access down here. We had access to a phone yesterday, and I was able to talk to Renae, Doug, and Dad for a little bit, but Mom was too sick to talk. Renae said that although Mom is pretty sick, that everything is under control and she should be fine soon.

Thank goodness for the internet because I can at least chat with Shannon and I know she will send an email if I need to know anything more. Renae, Danny, and Dad are all taking turns staying with Mom in the hospital. I know they have it taken care of and under control. There is nothing I can do except keep in touch as much as possible and know it will be okay.

Trusting that, I intend on letting go my need to be in control, and just continuing to play on the beach. And to all I promised I woud drink a corona for, it is done. And to you who I said I would drink a shot of tequila for, it will be done soon!

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