January 3, 2007

Mom 1st Round, 2nd Week

Today was Mom's second chemo treatment. It was better than the first one for a couple reasons.
The first reason was that the port didn't hurt as bad as it did last time when they had to poke it (it has had more time to heal). The second was that she didn't get the horrible metallic taste she had the last time (although it may still come later). Also, Dr. Nichols said we don't have to be overly concerned about a compromised immune system. She can be as active as she wants, and around the people she chooses. This is great, because Mom draws strength from people.

She did get a little sick to her stomach in the middle of it, but (of course) she wouldn't let me ask the nurse for anything to help it. I asked her why she has such a hard time asking for help when she doesn't feel good, and she said she just doesn't like to bother anyone about something that may not be that serious. I've about decided that I (or any one of her children or husband) get to be the decider of when it is serious.

Mom is a person, who when in the middle of a heart attack, wouldn't let my dad call 911, because she didnt think it was serious. She also couldn't ask for help when she was in the most intense pain of her life from a tumor(not that she knew that's what it was), because she didn't want to complain. She suffered in silence from this horrible sickness, because she didn't want us to worry for her or her health.

From now on, I think her family gets to make the call . I declare a dictatorship on Mom's health! Her family will see she gets the care she needs, fighting whatever it is that tells her she is not allowed to bother the universe with her discomfort!!! If not exactly a dictatorship, then a Familyship, a Pressureship, a Careship, a PickonYouUntilYouTakeCareofYourselfShip!

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