February 9, 2007


I just wanted to do a quick fill in on what's going on with my momma. She got out of the hospital about 12 days ago and I saw her this last Wednesday. She was supposed to get another chemo treatment, but she asked for a week off. She is still completely weak and has to recover a bit. Her doctor wasn't overly pleased with her choice. I have mixed emotions about him. On one hand, I love him solely because he is trying to make my mom well again. On the other hand, I think he is a grumpy guy who gets snippy if you don't jump when he says to. I guess working with such a terrible disease day in and out could make one crabby...

Anyways, she isn't feeling too hot. Hopefully next Wednesday she will feel more up to her treatment. I think it will have to happen either way so no more ground is lost with the obliterating of those hateful cancer cells.

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