June 27, 2007

transformers and big sunglasses

I am sitting here at 11:00 at night, drinking a glass of wine, watching Jay Leno (actually waiting for Conan O'Brien, my one true celebrity crush). Derrick is gone until Friday (in Whitefish again), the kids are sleeping, and Mom went home with Dad today. The house is oddly quiet. Actually the fact that I am awake to enjoy the quiet house is odd. But I am not ready to go to sleep yet.

It is 82 degrees in the house. I am hot. If I could break away from the computer perhaps I would open the windows and then cool air would rush in and cool me off. But you see, I have a myspace addiction which rarely gets the satisfaction of several hours of wasted time spent on it. I must indulge, regardless of the discomfort of the sweltering heat of this house. I will endure!!!! Viva myspace!!!

As I was reviewing this week in my mind, moments of discomfort filtered to the front part of my brain (where they like to reside), and I am prepared to share them with you. They have to do with watching television with my Mom and husband in the same room when I am the one holding the remote control. You know all of the commercials they have nowadays... the ones that are funny when you and your hubby are alone? The ones advertising "male enhancement" or the girly ones urging to call, and so forth. Now, if I am alone with either my mom OR alone with my husband, I do not care what commercial comes on. Why in the world to I get all embarrassed when I have a husband on one side and a Mom on the other? Do I turn the channel or not?!?

(Okay, the windows are open... couldn't type with sweat falling all over... Derrick usually is the one to open windows... funny the things you don't appreciate about a husband until they are gone.)

I have a goal for this week. I am going to get some big sunglasses. Nokomis has a picture of her in big ones and she looks hot! I want to also look hot in big sunglasses. And there has been encouragement to go to the dark side from Melissa (hehe-dark side-sunglasses...), and I am prepared to convert for the weekend.

I've been thinking about my poor cat Gary alot today.. I think it has finally sunk in that he has moved on to another family. He always was the traveling sort. He was the sort of cat who would love you with all he had, but he still had to move on and see more of the world. I will miss him, but I am glad he is out there living his dream.

Thinking about Gary also made me think about my fish. I only have two left in my little pond in the front yard. Last Fall I didn't know if goldfish could live if you just left them alone in the pond to be frozen. I caught six out of seven fish and brought them inside. Only Fred escaped, and therefore lived. I have somewhat of a killer thumb when it comes to fish. Poor little fellows only made it a couple months. But Fred is alive and strong. We bought him a little friend, Stripey this spring so he wouldn't feel so alone. I hope that Stripey is a little girl fish, and they are having a torrid love affair in our little pond. I hesitate to add any other fish as Fred and Stripey seem so contented. This fall I will leave them to their own defenses to the winter, as they seem to have a better idea as to their survival than I do.

And that is all I have for the evening. Sorry people, but Jay Leno has some pretty impressive things on tonight... something about a Tranformer movie pilot... oh my goodness... I LOVE TRANSFORMERS. I have to say goodnight:)

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