June 12, 2007


Everything is okay!!!! The surgery went AWESOME yesterday. Oh my goodness, we were sweating bullets. Pretty much my whole family showed up in Spokane yesterday morning at the hospital (and the rest were there in thought). While they were getting Mom ready for her surgery, they told us only one person at a time could be in the room. By the time it was all said and done we had Dad, Renae, Shaun, Danny, Nancy, Cookie, Kenny, Doug, Casey, Stephy, Aiyana, Corey D., Dwayne, Gina and me in the room (that is fifteen if you were counting ). Mom was scared, but she said that having everyone there took away 75% of the scariness. The epideral and calming drugs took away the other 25%.

After they wheeled her out of the room and we all waved her off, we all went down to eat in the cafeteria. Then Steph and I went to our motel room (it was right across the street), and amazingly we fell asleep immediately. I think being so nervous and is just exhausting! By the time we woke up, Renae was calling to tell us the surgery was over. The doctor said it had gone even better than he had thought it would! There was minimal blood loss- the didn't even have to use any of the bloodless surgery measures that had been taken. Also, they didn't see any other cancer, either with the PET scan she had that morning or with their own eyes! What a relief! We all felt like flipping cartwheels when we heard that . So, between the hoxsey and her special diet, I think everything is really going to be okay now. It feels like a bad dream is over.

I came home to Missoula for today to go to Derrin's little kindergarden graduation (which was super cute ), and to get some things done around here (like writing blogs). Tomorrow I am going back to Spokane to stay for a couple more days so Renae can go home for bit. If everything goes alright, hopefully Mom can be out of the hospital before too long!

I want to say thank you for all of your sweet upbuilding comments during the last 8 months. I know I have blogged a LOT about all of our ups and downs throughout all of this, and you have been so supportive. It really has helped me to beable to vent to you all. I appreciate it!

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