August 12, 2010

While the kids are gone...

My plan this morning involved cleaning the carpets in both the kids' rooms since they would have time to dry before the kids got home on Sunday. I went into Kloe's room and discovered that somehow in the 12 hours between when it was last cleaned and we left (most of which were spent sleeping), somehow a rock bomb went off in there. Seriously, there is rubble everywhere. What can I say? My girl loves rocks passionately- she has hundreds in her room, stored away in boxes in her closet, and sometimes she sets them free. Another thing she is passionate about are her lizards. The other day she was showing me a big size tic-tac container filled with white flaky stuff. Turns out she saves her lizards skin when they shed. Yeah, a little... um, eccentric? I asked her why she wanted to save the skins, and she said "to remember them!" I guess it isn't any weirder than saving your baby's first hair cut, right? :)
So, tomorrow includes cleaning up the rubble, and getting the kid's rooms mom-clean before they get back.


Tara said...

Oh - that made me laugh so hard!!! Especially the part about "saving the lizard skins!" And then even more for her reason: "to remember them." Funny little girl! I appreciate her sensibility of taking something entirely unromantic and then turning it into a wonderfully dramatic, romantic, nostalgiac experience! :0)

~From Paradise~ said...

I love that about her too:) She was having a GREAT time making videos of all the animals this morning with the cell phone that you gave them! Pictures galore too. Derrin has discovered that he can download stuff from the phone to his computer. This discovery made him very happy, especially because the night before he managed to delete all the games from the phone. Talk about complete and utter devastation! He was so disgusted with himself and life and the planets conspiring against him that he really wanted to throw it out the window. Talk about family drama. Derrick was irritated by the deep emotional outpouring of pure grief over some cell phone games, I was holding the hand of the sobbing nine year old and snapping at the father for SOME compassion (he said he used it all up in the initial five minutes of the breakdown), and Kloe was completely asleep and unaware of the whole thing:) Anyway, the possibility of learning how to put music on the phone from the PC and pictures on the PC from the phone tweaked his young but growing geek-gene enough to take some of the sting out of his deep loss:)