April 1, 2013

Mexicana time

We are on day four of our trip down to mexico. We spent friday through saturday in guzman, and now we are in a vista overlooking the ocean in monzanillo. We spent our time in guzman hanging out at dave, kathrine, and peggys house.They live in a pretty big house, especially by mexican standards, right across from an orphanage and very close to a bus stop. Needless to say, there is always a lot of activity out on the streets (they live on a corner, so its a bit surrounded by people coming and going. Great if you are into people watching, which I am).Their house is has a small yard with lots of tall happy healthy plants. Gramma peggy has been having a great time growing pretty much whatever she can get her hands on. Peggy looks fabulous. Since going to mexico she has lost weight without even really trying, made lots of friends, and she looks happier than I've ever seen her. It was nice to see that:)

Anyways, the whole house and yard has a tall pointy fence (ornate and pretty, but capable of skewering a climber-would-be) around it. It's actually great, because as much as mexico has seemed to help the health and mental disposition of all who moved there, it still poses some big dangers, such as being kidnapped for ransom. So, the fence is a good thing. Now, most people would look at the top of that fence and think climbing it would be a bad idea, as the pointiness is communicating that very idea. My daughter, however, decided to laugh at danger, climb the fence, and straddle the tall wood post the first day we were there. Guess she wanted to pose a fearless disposition to all mexico that first day, and indeed i saw plenty of spectators on both corner streets when I finally came out and saw what she was up to (peggy has casually told me kloe was outside climbing the fence, but it had been 2 in the morning when we had got there the night before, and pitch dark, so I missed the insinuated implication that kloe was out there toying with death). All the watchers were pretty quiet, all the better to not miss the crazy little white girl either falling to the sidewalk and breaking, or more likely falling toward the points and getting skewered. My first inclination was to run at her screaming GET OFF OF THERE, but instead I found myself talking calmly and quietly like you might do to a person ready to jump from a tall building. "Kloe dear, please (whispered:for the love if god) get down from that fence."- all said in soothing mr. Rogers tones. I wanted to help , but she insisted on scrambling over the points like a suicidal monkey, and after a few heart stopping moments, jumping to the ground.  To keep from killing her myself at that point, I maintained my mr. Rogers persona, and gently told her to never ever do that again.

So, that was first thing after coffee on the first day. After that, we mostly hung out and met quite a few of their new friends from their congregation. That friday we met Lucy, herlindo and their 9 year old daughter casia. Kloe and casia hit it off immediately.Lucy said after they got home, casia pined for kloe and missed her until they met again the next day at meeting. It was such an anne of green gables situation. others we met (and I'm writing this for the sake of my memory) were armina and her three children tamara, samantha and oscar (her husband oscar sr. Was sick, but we are having dinner with them on weds so we'll meet then), and tonya and her husband danela.  Jasa's parents were also there, and also the bargases.

We left there yesterday (sunday), and drove to monzanillo where we rented the vista I mentioned at first. There is a pool here, which the kids have been in almost constantly since we've been here. They did pause briefly to go knock a coconut out if a tree and then drop it from the top floor to see it shatter below, but then it was back to the pool. They are taking a nap right now- first time I've made them do that in a long time, but they've already about worn themselves out, and we still want to drive to the ocean to play there today.

My only complaint so far is that I am trying to get sick- some sort of chest cold and headache.  I am not really surprised- while my mind loves travel and experiencing new things, my body has many times told me to KNOCK THAT CRAP OFF AND STAY HOME- that was my body typing in all caps.  Rude!  Anyways, I'm fighting it with the tools I have- ibuprofen and hydration.  

I'm writing this with my phone in mexico... both have a way of making my blog publish weirdly.  Let's see what this looks like...

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