April 16, 2013

I Can Not Imagine

Reading about the Boston Marathon bombing is almost more than I can handle.  I read about the mom who lost her 8 year old son, while her 6 year old daughter and herself were also injured, and of course I identify with her.  I can not imagine such a loss, and I cannot imagine how I would survive the feelings of absolute hatred of whoever did such a thing.  My mind boggles.

As a mother, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't struggle with the fragility of human life.  There is no safe place in this world, doesn't matter if it is school, the workplace, a mall, or even a marathon.

As a runner, I know that feeling when nearly crossing the line and I know the appreciation I have felt in the past for the people who have supported me during my run.  I know the joy I had at having my children there to witness me do something that I've trained for and accomplished.  I just can't imagine something so evil happening at a moment like that.

I know the reasons for the wickedness in the world.  I know why there are critical times hard to deal with.  I am hopeful for the future.  But my heart aches for the world's present.

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