April 23, 2013

Summer Plotting

May is almost here, which for me translates into my seasonal job going dormant until next October (?), with the exception of days where I will be covering for others who need vacation days.

SO, here are a few things I wanna do, some specifically during the month of May (since the kids will be in school still), and some for the rest of the summer:

1.  Paint the kids bathroom.  Preferably in teflon or rubber spray paint that can just be hosed down once a week (maybe have Derrick add a drain in the floor so no mop up will be required after the spray down?).  I wanna fix up this bathroom, but sometimes making the kids part of the house cuter feels self-defeating.  They bare much of the responsibility of keeping it clean, and it has become my habit to not look too closely at the results of the kid cleaning process.  If I paint this bathroom, I know I am going to feel more compelled to keep tabs on it, thereby increasing my own work load...  BUT, it needs some love.  And hopefully I will give it some in the month of May.

2.  I need to create and complete some photography projects!!!  I have so many people who've asked me to do family and personal portraits, and I need to get them rounded up and make them happen.  My goal is to be more proactive this whole summer with my photography, and have a lot of fun with it.  I have some awesome ideas for some portraits of my kiddies I wanna do sometime around the end of May when all of the yellow flowers are blooming up Blue Mountain way.

3.  RUN.  Must start doing this again.  I've been neglecting it for too long.

4.  Hang out with my homies!  I wanna do some art projects, especially in May when we still have some quiet momma time.  I want to go to their houses and have them come to mine, and have us all sitting around outside drinking ice tea and lemonade while the kids run around and play.

5.  Plan some camping trips with our friends and families.  Need to get that stuff down on the calender.

6.  Get together with my fellow momma-friends and plan out an awesome summer for all of us with water time, art projects, games, and pure awesomeness.  I want this summer to be all about good memories for all of us.

7.  Start planning out my yard and gardening stuff.  I was so disheartened by my inadvertent murder of all of my seedlings (hundreds of my young green children), that I have not even attempted seeds this year.  But I need to get some cold crop stuff in the ground.  I am thinking lots of kale this year, since I use a lot of it in my green drinks.  I am not even going to bother with tomatoes, as I never ever ever ever am successful with them.  I might attempt parsley and other spices (again for the green drinks)... and maybe some sweet potatoes (?) as I know I will eat those too.  I need to buy a ton of dirt to replace all of the dirt I took out of my flower garden and put into pots last year (pure laziness on my part).  Maybe I should actually enlist some help from my more green-thumbed friends this year for this particular endeavor.

I know there are a lot more things I want to do, but that is all I can think of at the moment:)

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