August 30, 2013

Challenge Day Four- Bullet My Whole Day

  • 6:15 Derrick's alarm clock wakes me up.  He has an early job, I hear him getting ready while I dig deeper under the covers and enjoy being warm under the blankets.  He's ready in under ten minutes.  He kisses me goodbye, and I go back to sleep.
  • 6:45 My alarm goes off.  I lay there for ten minutes looking at Facebook and Pinterest, trying to give my eyes time to get unstuck and focused before getting up.
  • 6:55 I finally get up.  I take a quick bath, fix my hair, put on some make-up, and get dressed.  Call out into the living room so I can put Kloe's hair into a ponytail.  
  • 7:30 Give Derrin a hug goodbye as he heads out the door for the bus.
  • 7:43 Kloe and I hug goodbye.  She heads to her bus, and I head to my car to head for work.
  • 7:52 I stop at 'The Black Horse', my favorite coffee shop.  My punch card is all filled up, so today my coffee is free!  It's a beautiful day AND my coffee is free?  Can it get any better than this?  I submit it can NOT!
  • 8:00 I get to work ON TIME (yippee!!), unlock doors and turn off alarm systems, get coffee going, and generally start my day.
  • 8:30 Have a couple of nasty people come in and demand assistance from a program that simply does not exist.  Am accused of withholding information.  Have my name written down and then hear a sarcastic 'God Bless' as they walk out the door.  It is too early for this interaction.  Backspace and delete any emotion attached to it.  Work day continues.
  • 1:00 Leave work.  Head to the store to get any remaining items needed for activities this weekend.
  • 1:45 Go home eat lunch and get ready to go.
  • 2:15 Frantically throw some clothes and toiletries into a bag for the weekend.
  • 2:25 Go to store again for a few last items I forgot.
  • 2:45 Pick up Derrin from school.
  • 3:00 Pick up Kloe from school. Find out Derrick has to work later than planned.
  • 5:15 Arrive at the Hamilton fair to hang out with out buddies :)  Eat lots of fair food, see all the animals, go to the rodeo with Deana, hang out with Deana and the guys while the kids go on rides. Great night!!
  • 11:15 Arrive home. Get ready for bed.  Go to bed.  Start thumbing through facebook and decide to post a couple of pics from the fair.  Realize I posted pics to private so only I can see them.  Get frustrated because I can't fix it from my phone, so I get up to use the computer to fix the post.  Realize I didn't finish my blog post for the day.  Am currently finishing the blog post so I can go to bed.  Dreading the fact that I have to wake up at 5:45 tomorrow.  Goodnight!

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