October 29, 2015

First World Problem (Moving On)

We are in the process of moving.  What started out as a frivolous, sorta hair-brained idea late this summer actually panned out, and now we are in the midst of the resulting craziness.

We aren't leaving town.  Actually, we are moving into the dead center of it.  We've had a rental there for years, and our renters moved out about a month ago so there was a vacancy.  The house itself is not as nice as the house we live in now, and the neighborhood also is not as nice.  BUT, what it does have is a huge yard.  A huge yard means possibilities.  Possibilities of what, you say?  Possibly a shop for Derrick.  Possibly an art studio for me.  The art studio idea was what started us on this month of insanity.  Darn you Pinterest, and all of your tempting ideas!!!  There was also the reality of looking out our windows and actually not being able to look right into our neighbor's windows (and vice versa).

After pondering the art studio idea for months, the niggling idea popped out of my mouth that we should rent our much loved house that we built ten years ago and move to the place with the big yard.  Surprisingly, Derrick said yes (although he had caveats and didn't exactly jump at the idea.... to be fair, it will save us a fair chunk of change every month...).  I think partially the reason he said yes was the possibilities of renting our house out at this time of year seemed slim.  In reality, it rented in less than a week after putting it up.  The first people who looked at it scooped it up.

The whole "be careful what you wish for" was ringing true for me.  It had been a long time since I'd been to the property I'd talked my husband into moving to.  After the property management called to say our house was rented, we visited the new property.  It was sooo much worse then the last time I had been there.  Oh man.  It was about then that the reality of the situation collided with the dream.  I spent the next two days spiraling in and out of panic attack mode, trying to get out of the whole thing (I'm sure this was a fun time for Derrick.  Nothing like trying to talk your wife back in to her own hair brained idea).  Somehow we ended up NOT getting out of it.  My husband is very much a 'let your yes mean yes' kind of person, and somehow found it distasteful to mess up the plans of the people coming from Washington state who were now dependent on renting our house to make their plans work out. Naw, the truth is he gave me one more chance to really change my mind, and it turns out I too thought it would be pretty rotten to back out at that point.  So onward we went.

I didn't take before pictures of the new house, and I am very much regretting it.  We've worked so hard the last two weeks remaking that disaster into our new home, and I have to say it is looking pretty awesome.  If there is a wall in there, it has been painted.  If there is a scrap of floor in there, it has received new flooring. We channeled all of our feelings of impending doom (well, those were my feelings about the whole thing-  Derrick had his own way of describing the situation) into fixing that place up.  The yard itself will need some serious love come Spring.  We should be finished with the remodel by the end of this week, and then next week we will be here at the little house we built, packing it all up to move out.  We should be completely moved out by next weekend, and then the following week we will be fixing up odds and ends for the new renters moving in.

Change, right?  It's scary, but it's also a new adventure for us.

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