July 23, 2010

Past and Present

There you are again
I pass you in the hall
Guiltily I look away
Rebuked from one so small
You follow me everywhere
You stare from every window
Still damning me for sins
That happened long ago
Even though it's in the past
No need to feel the shame
You still find a way to poke
The wound to feel the same
Why didn't you protect me?!
Instead I learned to cower
Hunkered down I lost my voice
I still can't find that power
At times I still see you there
Reflected in dark eyes
Our shared pain and hurt is there
But hidden in disguise
Why do I keep looking back
When all I see is you?
I'm more than what I used to be
That should mean you are too
I just can't escape you
No matter how fast or far
My reflection is where you'll always be
Where I go is where you are. ...

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