July 8, 2010

Summer ROCKS

July 3rd we (Renae, Steph and I) went to Lilith Fair over at the Gorge in Washington. It was AWESOME!!!! The line up was fantastic! I FINALLY got to see my favorite musical artist EVER (Sarah McLachlan) live! Wow, I was excited. I finally understand why all of those silly little girls at Beatles concerts screamed like... silly little girls:) There was also Sheryl Crow, Sugarland, Erykah Badu, Cobly Coley, Grace Potter and the Nocturnals (awesome new band!), and A Fine Frenzy (LOVED LOVED LOVED HER!!! Check her out!!) The crowd was interesting to watch (ah hem), but peaceful and just there to have a good time. Definitely want to do it again! I would be a Lilith Fair Follower if it didn't put me so far in the Out Of Touch With Reality category! :) I'll post some pics later when I get a chance.

Besides that, life is pretty much back to normal. The kiddies are back home with us, and it is nice! I missed them so much! We are going to have Kobe come stay with us this weekend, and I am looking forward to seeing him too:)

Add to those details of life :

~A lot of gardening.

~Also replacing dead goldfish in the front pond (Benny and Joon did not make it- Johnny and June in the little back pot pond are holding strong. Yesterday we put Zavidy (Derrin's fish), Zena (Kloe's fish) and JoonTU (MY fish) in the front pond- here's to hoping they LIVE).

~Also, Lizzy (Kloe's girl gecko), laid her first two eggs last week- they are in a little dish on the warm side of their aquarium. I will rejoice if they hatch.

~There was also quite a bit of road rage on my part I had planned on sharing, but I'm thinking the only thing that needs to be said is: I need to quit yelling at bonehead drivers in front of my kids. Derrin thinks I don't like elderly drivers because the last three people to cut me off in traffic have been little old ladies. I seriously am trying to chill out!!

I have to say, this summer so far has been pretty incredible, and it's not even half way over yet! We still have our assembly in Kennewick in a couple of weeks, our motorcycle trip with Doug and Renae, some photography stuff lined up, and our trip to SEATTLE (yay!). May this summer never end.

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