March 2, 2011

Winter Running/Walking

It was actually nice enough out today to go running/walking.  Still cold-ish (around 35 degrees), but the snow had melted off of the sidewalks and roads.  It was about the perfect temperature- I didn't get over-heated or have to start stripping off layers like I usually do.  Also, the water from the melted snow had a chance to absorb into the ground before it froze again, so there was no mud to splash through.

I did the whole 6.2 miles.  Probably ran about 2.5, and speed-walked the rest.  It took me exactly 90 minutes, which reflected the walking portion of it slowing me down.  In the 5Ks (3.1 miles) I have done, it has taken me about 29.5 minutes.  My goal for this run eventually would be a time of 60 minutes.  Not gonna happen right now though.

The stand-off between my treadmill and myself during these winter months has definitely caused me to lose some of my lung capacity out there.  It's a bit of a bummer.  I'm hoping for more days like this though; I bet by next week at this time (if I can keep getting out there), I should be at 80 minutes (40 minutes each way).  I think it is doable.

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