July 29, 2011

The Room of Many Tears

Kloe's room was a sight to behold this morning.  It is a sight to behold most mornings. 

I'm sorry Future Kloe, but you know it's true.  Your room makes me weep in frustration.  I'll tell you why we have this issue, my girl.  It's the old 'Mother's Curse'.  My room made my mom want to cry too when I was your age.  Actually, I'm pretty sure it made her want to cry until I moved out. 

I have company coming next week.  Company usually gets tucked away in... you guessed it, Kloe's room.  It needed to get cleaned for real today.  I have crumbled before and completely taken over the hours of cleaning, which has including throwing out a lot of stuff. 

Kloe, today when you came into my room and asked me if I would just come in there and throw everything away for you, I realized I've done you a horrible disservice.  I've made you think that if you just drag your feet and give up, eventually someone will come in and do it for you.  Real life doesn't work that way....  I know, I used to try that trick when I was a kid too (and sometimes even as a grown up) and it very rarely works out.  Even those times it seemed to work out, I was left feeling like I wasn't smart enough or strong enough or 'whatever kind of enough' it takes to get the job done.  The thing is, that isn't true of me and it is definitely not true of you either.  You, my girl, can do anything you decide you want to do.  Even clean that messed up, overwhelmingly tangled room of yours.

We had some "talks" about it today, mostly aimed at motivating you to action.  You cried.  Actually, you cried quite a lot.  The thing is, when you went back into your room to keep slugging away at it, I was out in the garage with Daddy, and I was crying too.  I hate  when I have to discipline you, but I love you too much not to. 

I eventually helped you write a plan of action to deal with the mess, and then I went to work.  Daddy helped you stay motivated to clean the rest of it.  And you know what?  When I came home, your room looked great- better than if I had done it myself. 

Derrick also stopped by Bella Savauge and grabbed me a gift certificate to have some pampering time.  So love that man.  I was so stressed when I left this house this morning, but he'd managed to help make this so much better by the time I got home. 

When we make ourselves do the hard thing, the right kind of help is always so very appreciated.

P.S. Future Kloe... I love you, dirty room or not!!!!


Anonymous said...

Kloe`s room was DIRTY,but at least she got it cleand up!

Desi Lu Lu said...

Ah yes! The dirty room... love that one. You are such a great MOMMY!!!! Love you!