October 18, 2006

My Girl and the Cheetoh...

my daughter was a very calm baby. i needed to start out that way because honestly that came as quite a suprise to me. the reason for this was my only experience of my offspring up to that point had been her brother who had been a dramatic child from the very beginning (he even showed up three months early, talk about drama!). he has always been someone who is never quite content with the slow pace of life that i prefer. he was so frustrated before he could walk or talk he would spend hours straining to pull himself up and when he fell he'd cry a bit and then do it again. he learned how to talk early. his personality actually was quite a blessing considering his prematurity.
enter kloe. as a baby she was happy as long as i was there holding her. she reached all of her milestones in a relaxed manner as if she knew she would get there someday but right now she would rather just be held. but one day my peace loving baby disappeared. in her place was someone who knew how to rock the house. this new child knew how to entrap her brother into a web if trouble while she came out looking the innocent. this child could produce a whine so pure, so incidious that it would take hours before i realized my stress level was only increasing by the volume of the whine. after all, this was my little baby and i was in denial that she had changed.

now she is three and a half . she has morphed again into only a part-time whiner plus part-time enchantress. she is also a professional fighter, especially with her brother. all toys are worthy of a good fight. it turns out that pinecones, rocks and sticks, no matter how many there are in the world, are also worth fighting over. i also learned this morning that her opponents need not be other children as she picked a fight with the purse i set next to her in the shopping cart. apparently the purse was menacingly trying to touch her and invade her space...

lately she has been having bad dreams at night and afterwards she usually will sleep next to me for ten or fifteen minutes before going back to her own bed. last night she had one and while she was in bed with me i sleepily asked her what her bad dream was about. she informed me that there was a mean cheetoh chasing her and trying to eat her. well that confused me enough to wake fully up. i thought about it, worried about it, wondered what had happened to the child to make her afraid of a cheetoh. i mean really, we never even EAT cheetohs. then it came to me. i asked her, "do you mean a big kitty?" and she said,"yes! a big cheetoh!".... yes... i did understand, a big CHEETAH:-) she is so funny.

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