October 3, 2006


I've been a mother now for 6 years and 1 week. In a way it feels like it has flown by, but of course there are days that feel like they go on forever.

It is hard to remember a time before kids. I wish I could jump back and forth between time and treasure both the time I have with my kids AND the time before them, when I could be more spontaneous and flexible. I don't think I took advantage of that time before. That is one of the very good things about children- they teach you to seize the moment. I make any time I have away count!

Even when there is nothing life shattering going on, if all I can do is go to Barnes and Noble for an hour and drink coffee and look at books I don't intend on buying, that hour counts and is savored.

Another thing that my kids have taught me is that my patience was not as strong as I once thought.

Before kids I thought I was a well of calm- probably because I had shoved out anyone making waves in it. My children not only make waves but they do back flips and splash the water all over. My attention is divided.

One morning a couple of weeks ago my daughter asked me to give her a second waffle. I made it with such care and brought it to her. She took a bite and made a face saying, "Mama this is YUCKY". So unappreciative! Not a patient person, I walked over to her saying,"Kloe, it is F-I-N-E", and I took a big bite to prove it to her. It was horrible. Disgusting. Nauseating...

... turns out the dish soap was right next to the syrup. Quite a humbling moment for me, one of those moments that builds character. And makes you brush your teeth three times in a row.

Anyways, I have at least 15 years left of these fine moments. By the end of it I expect I will be perfect in patience?

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