March 3, 2011

Some Mommy Bragging Time

My baby girl is becoming a philosopher.  At least a couple times a day, she is talking in representative, illustrative, abstract and comparative language.  Makes me smile to watch her connecting her dots as she waves her arms around dramatically to make her point.  Sweet thing.  Very big picture thinking from an 8 year old perspective.  Some of her points are very much building on previous conversation she's had with us- if you didn't know she was starting at building block number three, you'd definitely be left scratching your head.  Since we were there for the first three blocks, it just makes us proud of her and her thinking ability.

I love this project of growing people.  We ended up with two very different kids, but I just like them both so much.  You always know that you will love your kids, but it is fun to see them growing into people I would just choose to hang out with; if I just met them, I would think these are great kids.  Makes me happy.


Tara said...

Aww! That's so cute! What a joyful part of your life, Rachel! (Sniff sniff!)

She's not baby Kloe anymore, is she? But, she really is turning out to be an intelligent, intuitive, artistic, musical, interesting, fun person. It was neat to see these kinds of changes in Derrin, and it's neat to see it happening with her too.

What's super fun about it (as we now have the "adult" perspective in life) is that coming from within your beautiful "unit" of the family we are all getting two wonderful people added to the bigger families (both of them). Thank you for taking the time (every single day for years without letup) to raise these kids in such a way that they are bringing honor to Jehovah and to us as a family. I know we don't say it enough, but be assured that David and I express between ourselves, how much we appreciate the wonderful job you and Derrick do raising these kids. We have seen over the years the good effects that the discipline and instruction (as well as love) from you have had on their little personalities. It has been such a learning experience for us. And it brings us so much happiness to see these beautiful babies turn into well-adjusted children due to your training. We feel so blessed to be even a small part of it!

Love and miss you all MUCHISIMO!

~From Paradise~ said...

Aw, we miss you too- so much!!!! You know the whole village raising a child idea- we have a REALLY great village helping us with our kids, and some especially great aunties and uncles:)